I was unable to attend last Monday’s meeting and I have noticed that after 8 days it has yet to be posted on YouTube. I still don’t understand why the meetings cannot be live streamed as they are recorded at Carnegie, but to take 8 days to post a video that can easily be converted and uploaded to YT within a couple of hours is troubling. So unless you could have left work early last Monday and attended in person you have NO idea what was discussed. Transparent government at its best!

2 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls Homeless Task Force meeting from Oct 3 has yet to be posted

  1. Very Stable Genius on October 11, 2022 at 3:54 pm said:

    Speaking of YouTube and homelessness, this is pretty good and transparent:

    FF: 01:46


  2. D@ily Spin on October 11, 2022 at 4:27 pm said:

    This ‘Strong Mayor King’ comes from an IT strain. You’d think he would get after the ‘Knights of the Round Building’ and address this problem. Didn’t he pull the sword out of the pink granite?

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