Keeping track of all the noise leading up until Tuesday’s election has been overwhelming, so I am going to just concentrate on the big ones with my predictions.
Some of the issues are easy to predict;
• Slaughterhouse ordinance will pass with 60-70% of the vote (this of course doesn’t really matter since it ultimately will be decided in court).
• Medicare expansion will pass with 55-65% of the vote (I think it is a pretty big no brainer when the Feds are supplying 90% of the funding – a tax pool we pay into – that it makes sense to take them up on the offer.
The next two issues are a little sticky;
• IM 27 will pass with 58% of the STATEWIDE vote. I believe that once again the urban areas will carry the measure. (I have felt for awhile that this race would be a wider margin of victory than originally predicted. With the failure of Amendment C in June it showed me that when it comes to personal freedoms being voted on in the ballot box, South Dakotans will vote to protect them. I think the anger and frustration over Amendment C and the kangaroo court that overturned the original constitutional measure, voters are coming back in full force to show the governor, the supreme court and the legislature that yes, we are adult enough to know what recreational MJ is, and we want it).
• Kristi Noem will be re-elected to another term by at least 55% of the vote. (Trust me, I would love to be wrong, and I encourage everyone to vote for Jamie Smith, but the stars don’t align. Besides name recognition and the lack of funding, Smith needed these 3 things to happen tomorrow to win;
- Almost all of SD registered Indies need to vote for Smith, and ALL dems need to vote for him.
- Libertarian candidate Tracey Quint needs to garner at least 3-4% of the Republican vote
- A large percentage of Republicans need to ‘undervote’ in the governor’s race (not place a vote at all for governor.)
Those stars will probably not align.
I really cannot say much about the local races except in my very own District 10, I encourage you to vote for Erin Healy and send MAGA Sutton and her placeholder husband Tom packing. I also encourage everyone to NOT fill out the judgeship portion of the ballot. There is NO choice, just a confirmation. I left it blank to protest our very broken judicial system in South Dakota.
It is supposed to be 43 degrees tomorrow at 7 AM and 53 degrees at 7 PM with light rain after 11 AM. A perfect day to spend 10 minutes voting.
I would think you’d be voting for Kameron? Surprised he hasn’t gained your endorsement.
Given the S.D. Supreme Court’s decision on recreational marijuana, where they decided a part of the constitution could make another part unconstitutional (?), and a past partisan, who was allowed to become a circuit judge, who then ruled IM 22 unconstitutional, I therefore recommend you vote “No” on all of the judgeships, but with one exception, which is to vote for Erickson over Barnett. I used to work with Erickson some 24 years ago and he is a very decent person, sharp, and level headed. Plus, as a current magistrate, he already has judicial experience, which his opponent does not have. Also, isn’t his opponent, Barnett, a relative of the Judge Barnett who said “No” to IM22?
Noem 56
Smith 41
Libertarian 3
Thune 65
Bengs 35
Johnson 73
Libertarian 27
Nelson 62
Barth 38
Johnson 63
Cool 37
Marijuana loses, Medicaid wins, and Stench loses.
There will be 8 to 12 Democrats in Pierre next year.
Democrats will lose 4 US Senate seats and the GOP will gain 40+ US House seats. The GOP will also gain about 3 governorships.
#The73PercentProject #WeWillSee #MaybeIWillBeEatingCrow
( and Woodstock adds: “Les ‘Stench’ is actually a candidate?”….. )
Shave 1.5% off of Thune and give it to the Libertarian candidate.
Thune 63.5
I swore this page off, but couldn’t help but stop by to see if you were pushing Cameron. Not even a mention?
I don’t even know who that is?
Oh my gosh, thanks for the early morning laugh. The self proclaimed expert on Sioux Falls politics doesn’t even know who’s running in his own district. That’s good stuff right there!
You get two votes for State House. I hope you consider voting for both Democrats in District 10. Kameron Nelson is running with Erin Healy.
You could be right on with your predictions. I’d like to see a new Governor but Noem needs more frequent flyer miles on the state plane. I hope she visits South Dakota once in awhile. Control of Congress is significant. I’m really tired of ‘vote for me texts’.
“WOW!”…. “‘NTNLIQ’ is back”…. (… “Or, has he always been here all along?”…. ) …..
Noem wins by more I think. I think she hits the 65% area easily. I think you Democrats are very much underestimating how bad the Economy is and the mess Biden has made. Democrats are in for an @ss kicking all over and the Indys will vote hard Red today which is why I think Noem wins by a lot more than 55%. We will see I guess
Kameron Nelson, candidate for Dist 10 State Representative, perhaps?
I guess I spelled his name incorrectly, but that doesn’t take away from how rich this is. The self proclaimed expert who also made a big deal out of the fact he had already voted, wasn’t even aware of a candidate in his district. Can’t make up something this good. Everyone in my office had a good laugh today over this. Thanks.
I remember him after you mentioned him, and I likely voted for him since I would never in a million years vote for the Suttons or Mogen (who is a placeholder). As an indy, I don’t follow the legislature as close as I used to, I am also NEW to District 10 this year. I know most of the SF State legislators but they are state legislators and NOT city councilors and to be quite honest with you, I think our legislature is one of the most corrupt and worthless in the nation. I could care less about the 40 days a year they spend governing our state into the ground.
Wow.. even better. You don’t know who you voted for! LOL. I can’t wait to tell everyone at the office tomorrow.
Straight Republican
No on weed
For the slaughterhouse
No for expanded handouts for the lazy
I think your krusi margin of victory is suspect. Undervotes will make it much closer. Anyway Scott, good job. We need perspective like you show us.
What is even more funny is the guy I voted for that I didn’t know is winning! Woot! Woot!
It’s great that it won, but I assure you it is much funnier that Sioux Falls’ self proclaimed expert doesn’t even know who he voted for for sure. What a joke! Talk about a slide in credibility!!
the same people who voted for the slaughter house are the same people who bitch about immigrants.
Nationally, Michael Moore was right.
Bitch about immigrants….or illegal immigration? HUGE difference.