South DaCola

Mayor TenHaken shares text

On the Mayor’s official, non-official, Facebook page, he shared a text he received after the election;

Someone was obviously high when they sent this 🙂 and I have NO doubt if PTH knew who sent it, the police or sheriff’s department were probably dispatched to have a convo with this individual.

I agree with the sentiment, but I would have wrote it a bit differently;

You would think as the mayor of the state’s largest city you wouldn’t be so ignorant when it comes to adult use cannabis. But you Republicans are not big on facts, science or telling the truth (e.g., Kristi Noem). Now go do something you are good at, like licking windows.

I’m not even sure what it means to lick a window?

I do agree with Paul this is NOT the best way to interact with your elected officials;

Paul TenHaken

I share this only to highlight the state of diminishing dialogue I see in our democracy. A state where people feel this is an appropriate way to contact an elected official. A state where people are so angry and frustrated by all they see on social media that they lash out in knee jerk ways that I believe they really don’t mean. I see these messages very often, and use it only to highlight the fact that we can do much better as a city, state, and country. But it starts with each of us modeling the way.

A better way is to address them at public input so you can get them on audio calling you a loser, or have them accost you in the lobby of Carnegie, because you know, it is okay for them to name call constituents but don’t dare treat them the same way. The only thing that has truly been diminishing is the grey matter between the ears of our local elected officials. Instead of encouraging them to lick windows, maybe we need to get them to stop eating paint chips?

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