Like most things in my life, I’m a little late. My first post was June 24, 2007.
While I have made very little money over these 15 years from the blog I have pushed change and open government. I have worked on many city campaigns. I have won and I have lost many battles.
Historical perspective is a good thing, and when I find myself engaged in conversation about city government the cobwebs of my mind remember the past and how this city has managed many of those things very well and has also failed. It is of no consequence.
I wish 3 things in the new year from our city leaders;
• Open and transparent government
• Hold the line on tax and fee increases and be fiscally responsible
• Make our community more safe and free to live in
“The more the people are discontented with the oppression of taxes, the greater the need the prince has of money to distribute among his partisans and pay the troops that are to suppress all resistance and enable him to plunder at pleasure.” Benjamin Franklin
It’s been fun, and I am not going anywhere.
” I have won and I have lost many battles.”
Hey, that’s my line!
You’re not going anywhere, until you permanently quit for awhile again, I assume?
I come here for transparency city government is not known for. They force feed actions and policy without addressing public sentiment. Comments are addendum for forming independent opinion. General topics with local relevance are also welcome. This is some of what local media once was but with a modern approach. City autocracy disturbs me. It’s important to keep the public aware of the corruption and propaganda.
Start a Go Fund Me page. Contributions would show how popular this blog is. I’ll contribute.
“In 2007, we had Amy Winehouse and her ‘Rehab’ song, but then we tragically lost her before her time”….. “But at least we have Dua”…. “And we must also thank Dave, Mike, and Paul”…. “They have definitely made the last 15 years quite interesting”….
In rehab, there ain’t no liquor in the file cabinet. Or, is there? #DrunkWithProgress
I think a GoFundMe is a great idea. If VSG ponies up $10 for every one of his ever so witty aliases, you could retire.
Good Job, We may not always agree, but I always felt Disagreements is where you find Solutions. But, you need more HISTORY man….Teach people the history of the town, and we can better shape our future.
Mike Zitterich
iPhones also first came out in 2007, that’s when Steve (not Jobs) got his and he’s still using the same one with rubber bands holding it together.
Have you ever read this book? It is fantastic.
Wayne and I used to work together, and I designed this book cover for him;
Here’s another fun book:
Correct me if I am in error, but I have in my way-back mind that I actually started reading SouthDacola postings back in 2002 or some such, when I was still in SOCAL. Being an IT Director/Internet ground-floorer at the time I found it pleasing that there was someone in SD doing something/anything on-line.
Thank you, Scott.
It’s hard to believe ‘The Battle Over the Drake Springs Pool’ was 15 years ago!!
I check your blog faithfully, now that the Argus has given up the ghost; I consider you the best source of what is going on with our city.
Just think, for the 25th Anniversary, God willing, we can all party on that new $21 million bridge. It looks like it will have ample room.
( and Woodstock adds: “Steel District?”…. “I think they should have called it Dakota Casket District, because whenever there’s a lot of money and cement involved we know there’s more to the story than meets the eye”… )