I’ve never met former president Jimmy Carter or have seen him publicly, but I always admired his attention to the environment. He of course was beat by the worst president to ever live, Reagan. I do remember a comment from my grandpa Carl on election day when someone asked him who he voted for (I’m not sure my grandparents ever voted for a Republican). He said, “Mr. Carter is a good man, and he was handed some difficult problems, and I am willing to give him a second term.” Then I think there were some curse words about his opponent. President Carter is currently in hospice care.

Also to my surprise, former legislator Dr. Jack Billion passed away yesterday. While I know his health had been fading over the past few years I was fortunate to BS with him one last time this past summer at a Dem picnic at McKennan Park. He was just as funny and antagonistic as ever. Jack was our guest on Rant-A-Bit in 2010. Maybe my co-host can find a way to pull up that episode and link it 🙂

It is also with heavy heart that James Abourezk has passed. You may know Jim’s famous wife, Saana, who hands down makes the best Mediterranean cuisine in Sioux Falls. Thru my art exploits when I was younger I got to meet Saana who introduced me to Jim. I consider myself very fortunate to have had a couple of lunches with Jim’s court at Saana’s. He was extremely funny, crude and intriguing. Also to note, Jim was rumored to have a large original drawing political cartoon collection. Maybe someday we will see it on display.

You will be missed!

By l3wis