Resolutions and the state legislature have a long history of nothingness. But recently legislators from multiple districts have signed onto changing the correct pronunciation of two towns; Pierre and Wagner.
Unless you are a total dolt, you know the proper pronunciation of Pierre is pee-air while the proper pronunciation for Wagner is vahg-nuhr. Ironically, while there is a lot of bullcrap on the ground in Pierre I am not sure about all the pee in the air.
Pierre was founded by Pierre Chouteau Jr. a wealthy fur trader and I can almost guarantee no one called him ‘peer’. Wagner is founded by Walter Wagner who found the area so wonderful after a fishing trip he decided to create a town.
There were some opposing resolutions. One was to change the pronunciation of Sioux Falls to sigh-ox falls and another to change the name of Pierre to L.A.G (lactation, abortion and guns).
One legislator opposed to the resolution, who will remain nameless, said, “Pronouncing Pierre, pee-air just seems a little gay to me, and while we don’t accept a lot of gay in South Dakota we seem to be okay with a little gay? Seems like a slippery slope.”
We also traveled to Wagner to get some opinions from residents on the resolution. Carla Running Horse told us that at least they are not calling it Fagner. “But I guess it is far better then being called Crankton or Methchell.”
Bob Britches says, “I live in a small rural town in South Dakota, who cares how it is pronounced just as long as we don’t call it Shirley.”
Of course if these resolutions pass there is nothing legally binding to make people to pronounce the towns names correctly, and even if they do there is NO cost to taxpayers.
A resident in Pierre said this, “I’m no grammar teacher, but I am guessing whether you say peer or pee-air the spelling is the same. I think?”
*of course none of this is really happening . . . or is it?
So much about nothing. Leave it alone and focus on more important issues.
North Sioux City should be renamed West Sioux City, because it’s west and not north of Sioux City, Iowa. Ft. Pierre should be renamed East St. Louis, or maybe Gary, because it’s tougher than it larger counterpart. It might be fun to call Watertown: H2Oville. Maybe Rapid could be changed to Racism City. Wall could be changed to Tourist Trap. Custer could be changed to Sitting Bull. Sturgis to Hog Heaven. Huron to Urine. Winner to Loser. Tea could be changed to Coffee. Perhaps, Coke, but some might get the wrong idea. Oacoma could be changed to “Yep, You Just Missed Chamberlain”…. And just for fun, let’s rename Hartford as Humboldt and Humboldt as Hartford…. Oh, and maybe Bison as Buffalo and Buffalo as Bison…. Now, let’s get back to some real work!
And what about Miller? Couldn’t we just call it our Johnson?
I think Gayville should be left alone. I also like Bonesteel and then Parker. Buffalo Chip sounds too tech savvy, what about Topless?
Scratch that, we already have a Gary. I need to visit that place. I’m sure it’s charming.
“Say, if it’s ‘Leed’, then why isn’t it ‘Deedwood’?”… (…”And HIGHmore sounds like a fun place”….
Your attempt at humor is almost as successful as your attempts to use the correct form of than or then.
And then there was Steve, or is that than?…. Oh, and are you saying that Spell check is wrong?….. But “then” a course you would….. #IntellectualChauvinism #PizzaRanchDate
Will we need to codify Nord Hari-bourgeois?
“Hurry!… Before Steve gets to this one”….. “Shouldn’t it be Hari-bourgeois Nord?”…. “Let’s keep it French, Pier!…. I mean Pierre!”…..
Blizzard Warning. Damn! I forgot to stock up on Chinese food and Coke. I did grab some Totinos though.
I once went to Tea to get some Coke. And then they was that time I got some Chinese balloons… Oh, never mind….