Gee, where have we seen this before? (FF: 1:25:00)

In March of 2019 councilors Stehly and Starr proposed the same ordinance and 5 councilors voted against it. Fast forward to next Tuesday and they are proposing the exact same ordinance (Item #10);

The supplemental appropriation provides up to $500,000 to the highways and streets budget for pothole remediation.

I support the ordinance, just like I did in 2019. But you wonder what is different today then in 2019? For one, I think the city is struggling with labor NOT costs. I guess the public works snow removal crew is being moved into doing pothole repair.

It will be interesting to see the council’s argument for this after they nixed the exact same resolution just 4 years ago.

9 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council to propose supplemental appropriations for pothole remediation

  1. Mike Zitterich on February 11, 2023 at 5:54 pm said:

    Technically, this is proposal is coming from the Mayor’s Office, not the council. So has the council lobbied to designate funds for Pot Holes?

  2. Balloons Because on February 12, 2023 at 1:47 pm said:

    I’ve just ordered some black rim glasses. I’m going for the George Santos look.

  3. "Woodstock" on February 12, 2023 at 2:57 pm said:

    “You know, I just got to thinking”…. “Canadian authorities claim this most recent balloon is ‘cylindrical-shaped’ in nature”…. “But that sounds more like an UFO”…. “Oh, I’m sorry, I mean a UAP”…. “But these new aliens are probably sinister in nature and are trying to invoke a world war between China and the US”…. “If you remember right, during the Roswell incident, many speculated that those aliens were concerned about our then recently developed atomic capabilities and thus the destruction of the earth as we humans (birds, too) know it”… “But I think this time, we are dealing with some really bad aliens who want to cause trouble and I think Santos is part of the plot and deception”….

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on February 12, 2023 at 3:03 pm said:

    I heard, according to his congressional bio, Santos is a second cousin once removed to Buddy Holly.

  5. Further Fear & Loathing on February 12, 2023 at 3:13 pm said:

    I don’t know why everyone is so hard on Santos. I think he is fun to have around. He’ll never break Trump’s record for the most lies, but it could be fun to watch him try….

    (…. “Yes, my mother had me when she was 84, her grandmother was an old mother, too, and a White House intern for Lincoln, and she had an affair with Abe”…. “I’m Honest Abe’s great-grandson”….)

  6. Back to Topic on February 12, 2023 at 3:22 pm said:

    Could we get some “designated funds” for some pot heads?

  7. D@ily Spin on February 12, 2023 at 7:27 pm said:

    More balloons. Whose birthday? I’m thinkin the smaller ones are a biological attack from Putin. Santos will be more famous as a standup comic. He gets no respect (ie. Rodney Dangerfield). Politicians are better entertainment than Kanye. Keep them coming.

  8. D@ily Spin on February 12, 2023 at 7:30 pm said:

    Pass the pot and we’ll not feel the potholes.

  9. Balloons Because on February 13, 2023 at 12:28 pm said:

    I can imagine Santos morphing into a Don Rickles type of comic, where he begins to belittle those minorities he claims to be a member of… #MrWarmth

    Actually, having Santos in congress is a lot more like having Kramer in the US House. Especially, that episode where Kramer just starts attending board of director meetings for a corporation he’s really not a part of nor should be… (What about Marjorie Taylor Greene?…. Elaine?)

    Also, don’t confuse Santos with the George of Seinfeld, who once was forced to buy a book he took into the bookstore bathroom. How would Santos have handled that one? #OldSearsCatalog?

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