South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council to propose supplemental appropriations for pothole remediation

Gee, where have we seen this before? (FF: 1:25:00)

2019-03-19 Sioux Falls City Council Meeting - 2590

In March of 2019 councilors Stehly and Starr proposed the same ordinance and 5 councilors voted against it. Fast forward to next Tuesday and they are proposing the exact same ordinance (Item #10);

The supplemental appropriation provides up to $500,000 to the highways and streets budget for pothole remediation.

I support the ordinance, just like I did in 2019. But you wonder what is different today then in 2019? For one, I think the city is struggling with labor NOT costs. I guess the public works snow removal crew is being moved into doing pothole repair.

It will be interesting to see the council’s argument for this after they nixed the exact same resolution just 4 years ago.

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