In case you missed this a few days ago, I did to;

Meanwhile, in downtown Sioux Falls, the Bishop Dudley House had been looking at the possibility of different temporary family housing locations.

The two partners found each other in large part because ICAP had received federal money that could be used for the former Children’s Inn building and a type of homeless non-congregate temporary housing.

While I would agree converting the former Children’s Inn site into a family transitional homeless facility is probably a good fit, the planning was not. The neighborhood is up in arms over not being brought along in the process or even told about the plans. The rumor is they are planning a petition drive to stop this somehow.

This of course is how we do governmental business now in Sioux Falls. Ramrod it through, don’t tell anyone, and after we get approval apologize for screwing up, and always remember to say, ‘This will never happen again.’

The best way to reassure crap like this never happens again is to vote these sophomoric clowns out of office in the next election, or better yet, recall them NOW!

Precedent after precedent, after precedent. When are we going to learn?

3 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls neighbors not happy about planned homeless shelter

  1. Mike Lee Zitterich on February 5, 2023 at 10:37 am said:

    I can attest, that Scott is correct, the West Sioux Falls residents are not happy about having a homeless shelter so close to their community, and I can also attest, that for the West Sioux Falls community to be this livid, is a tall task, as they are for the most part a very conservative, traditional, quiet bunch, let alone respectful group. Got to remember, the area is very prideful of being part of history, by means of being part of the former National Guard, Air-Force Base Complex which stretched from Elmwood Ave east to Covell Lake, and The Airport south to Burnside Street.

    Scott, what is interesting to note also, is the Council is also meeting in “Executive Session” to discuss further the upcoming Union Contracts, and there is a contract’ being approved on the consent agenda @ 6 PM

    Agenda Item 7, Sub-Item 16: Amendment to Agreement to provide online training services.

  2. Comment submitted by My Mistake Mike;

    And how is this any different than the Veterans Community Project’s homeless neighborhood with 25 units going up right across the street? Never heard a peep from the neighbors about that.

    BTW, this story about the ICAP & Dudley House partnership has been out there for a while:

    Our community has a problem and these folks are partnering on a solution. Homeless families, especially, deserve a second-chance, too.

  3. Submitted by Guy from Guernsey;

    More neighborhoods should prepare to be “not happy” (or should this same neighborhood prepare to be not happy again … and again … and again?).

    The organizations providing services to the homeless will be moved from their current locations. Although sorely needed, the establishment of the family homeless shelter to another neighborhood is Step 1.

    From the KELOland piece about relocation of the Dept of Social Sevices and linked at the end of this reply:

    “A vision for the Riverline District doesn’t necessarily mean ‘gentrifying’ the area, TenHaken said.”

    Yah, right Paul. This is entirely about the gentrification of this part of the City and relocation elsewhere of the services to the poor, disenfranchised and homeless.

    The businesses on the “otherside of the viaduct” on E 10th St have always been told by City leaders to “suck it up” when issues arose which were caused by the congregation of homeless and vagrants drawn to the area.
    “Suck it up” is no longer satisfactory now that Scherschlight’s and Lloyd’s business patrons and tenants are faced with view and interaction with these same individuals.

    Relocate to where?

    Pay close attention to relocation of the Dept of Social Services, supposedly to a “one stop State shop”.
    Remember when the location of South Dakota Dept of Social Services was used as rationale for current locations of services to the indigent?

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