UPDATE: I guess they had a briefing last week but only two reporters showed up and the city didn’t record it. Isn’t whole point of have a press briefing is to inform the public? How do you do that without turning on the camera? I am baffled.

After a week off, the city has returned with the ‘weekly’ press briefing, or is it the bi-weekly press briefing?

They also posted today on YT even though someone should tell the media department they posted a briefing from a month ago.

Was glad to see they are going to take another stab at their CIVIC DUTY to INFORM the public now maybe they could scrape some money together for press microphones so we can hear their questions.

3 Thoughts on “UPDATE: City of Sioux Falls Press Briefings return

  1. Reporter for the Daily Pothole on March 25, 2023 at 2:58 pm said:

    I’m sure they will press on and get it eventually. But with FB Live, who really needs a presser?

    #HoneyLetDaddyTalk #LikeFatherLikeDaughter #PyongyangPress&Herald

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on March 25, 2023 at 3:07 pm said:

    What if they held a press conference but no one showed up?….. That could make the news…. Nothing I enjoy more than to see irrelevance become relevant. It’s like when a fade catches on and wastes our time only to be discovered that our time was not wasted because our mere existence is nothing but a fade waiting for the next Big Bang….. Now, that would be some news….. But who would cover it, or watch it…. Talk about being a waste of time, well, in the meantime, enjoy your fadization…..

  3. Post Mardi Gras Blues on March 25, 2023 at 3:23 pm said:

    Some say Pol Pot, while others pothole. Now, if you smoke too much pot you might find yourself in a hole thanks to some pols… AND, if you go to Phnom Penh’s Moulin Rouge be careful, because you might meet the Khmer Rouge….. I’m really not sure where all of this is going, but for now, I’m batting on the Rouge, or would that be Baton Rouge?

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