In this interview with the administration’s newest advisor, she revealed something I have known about PTH for awhile;

“Our goal is to put something together that is realistic and achievable and well accepted by a diverse group of stakeholders and the public,” Harris said. “Sustainability should be a choice, and our job in government is to provide an education so people can make those choices. We aren’t doing mandates or forcing it on people because that isn’t how we want to govern. That isn’t how the mayor sees his role. He wants to be a uniting mayor.

I would agree that a mandate doesn’t always solve an issue, in fact it can make it a lot worse, but when it comes to climate change we have exhausted most options. Letting industry decide if or how they are going to tackle climate change in their respective private industries means they will just choose to NOT do what government suggests. They already are on record for that. Sustainability isn’t a question of giving options you have to give and mandate direction, you also need followup and enforcement.

Just look at the over 4,000 property owners over the past 2 years that were MANDATED to repair city owned sidewalks because of the multiple ADA lawsuits filed against the city. So when the city is under fire from the FEDs to get their poop in a group they turnaround and mandate taxpayers fix the very sidewalks they are being sued over. City ordinance is pretty clear, the city has the authority to MANDATE just like they would when it comes to sustainability. I would even argue that global warming is a much bigger threat then cracks in a sidewalk.

If this mayor wants to UNITE the community, why not UNITE them around cleaner air and water? Recently the Argus Leader touched on that very problem;

Everything in the EPA’s dataset looks squeaky-clean for South Dakota, except for one category: water releases in Sioux Falls. In 2021, Sioux Falls disposed more than 5 million pounds of toxic waste into the Big Sioux River, about 2.5% of the nation’s overall generated water waste.

Nearly all TRI-registered water releases in the city involve one source: Smithfield Foods’ Sioux Falls facility, formerly known as the John Morrell Co. meatpacking plant.

In many ways, the Sioux Falls meatpacker is one of the worst water polluters in the U.S,

So while the mayor and his policy advisor want UNIFICATION I think mandating a communist Chinese owned packing plant would be a better approach since ‘suggestions’ are NOT clearly working. Now let’s all join hands and sing Kum by yah while the earth is burning.

15 Thoughts on “TenHaken’s Pumpkin Policy Advisor doesn’t believe in mandates

  1. "Give me mandates or you'll give me death...." on April 6, 2023 at 2:35 am said:

    The realities of climate change are themselves mandates. There is no choice to how we can be impacted by them. Well, actually there is if you care to be proactive through mandates to lesson the impact.

    Not requiring people to wear a mask is not a mandate unless you die from the given virus, which then becomes a mandate upon your once life.

    When your choice impacts others, then it becomes a mandate upon others, which is then spun as liberty, but that masks the control you have over others who become then less free.

  2. l3wis on April 6, 2023 at 2:49 am said:

    You are correct, at this point we have no choice but to address global warming. When they were gutting the sustainability plan I wonder if they remember all the wind damage and storms we had last summer. This didn’t happen 20 or 50 years ago, it happened less then a year ago. It often frustrates me how much of an enemy of history this administration is.

  3. My Mistake Mike on April 6, 2023 at 8:42 am said:

    I thought single-stream home recycling is already mandated in Sioux Falls? So I can start throwing everything in the trash once again??? SMH

  4. D@ily Spin on April 6, 2023 at 12:49 pm said:

    Doesn’t matter how the mayor sees his role. It’s complete absolute dictatorial power. Strong Mayor Charter makes him so. He’s Trump with a similar brain dead cult. Trump will become the first criminal president. How about a Stormy Daniels – Monica Lewinsky third party? The Hooker party.

  5. Dr. Derecho & Mr. Haboob on April 6, 2023 at 2:01 pm said:

    In the last four years, my SF neighborhood has had two tornadoes; and prior to that, it has had none.

    AND, have we forgotten about this little dust-up?….”

  6. The ghost of Toto on April 6, 2023 at 2:03 pm said:

    April, May, and June are always fun months, right Dorothy?

  7. The pending storm is upon us..... on April 6, 2023 at 2:24 pm said:

    Taupeville (Hari-bourgeois Nord) in the spring, I’d say it’s like Paris in the spring, but yet their protests haven’t quite started.

    Taupeville with climate change will first not be noticed, however, because its taupe-ness will mask its pain and wear, but overtime the destruction will begin and archaeologists “Someday” will claim it was “Limitless”.

    Putin and Trump are into chaos. Climate change is their ace in the hole. Chaos gives them that control. They are the evil of Mad Max, the wisdom of a broken Solomon, and the droplets from heaven, but without mercy.

    Doppler Dorothy was the best weather girl we ever had, well, Ginger was fun, too. But Dorothy is no more. We are now forced to face reality on our own.

    If only we still had Doppler 2000, too, but now that sounds so long ago. It was a time of Y2K and hanging chads. Now, we live in a world where somehow a Cheney has become our savior as an orange haboob once again threatens us on the distant horizon.

  8. "Woodstock" on April 6, 2023 at 2:25 pm said:

    “Well, at least Dua Lipa is coming out with a new album soon”…. 🙂 #DailyDosageOfDua

  9. Very Stable Genius on April 6, 2023 at 2:36 pm said:

    The mayor’s whitewashing of this issue is further proof that he is not a political leader, but rather a corporate spokesman; and a 73% one at that…

  10. Bobby's running 4 what? on April 6, 2023 at 3:36 pm said:

    What? Bobby is running for president against Uncle Joe? Maybe he’s actually the return of JFK, Jr., that the Trumpsters have been predicting….. Marjorie, what are your thoughts?

  11. Mike Lee Zitterich on April 6, 2023 at 3:36 pm said:

    Side Walks are on “Private Property” not public. This is why the developer/property owners pay for the sidewalk when they build on their property. By annexing your “Land” into the City Limits becoming a part of The City of Sioux Falls, you hereby agree to build a side walk connecting to each side of your property, allowing people to utilize that portion of your property where a public road is built. Lets makes sure YOU people understand the difference between a LANDOWNER, PROPERTY HOLDER, versus a “resident”

    Landowners/property holders invest in their land, in order to provide for the “residents” whom now choose to reside on that land, of which, the Landowner/Property Owner is then responsibile to maintain the sidewalk, sweep the sidewalk, shovel the sidewalk, etc.

    The more the Landowners/property holders invest in their land, real property, etc, the greater NET WORTH they are as a collective community, and if the “residents” move away, well, then those same Landowners/Property Holders then dissolve the city, pay off all debts, liabilities, expenses of the city, collect all “recievables”, etc, and then what is left over, is the NET PROCEEDS (Profits) all of which, are then proportioned back to the Landowners/Property Holders.

    The MAYOR as the AT-LARGE REP has to protect the interests of the Landowners, Property Holders, and Residents, as such, that neither run over each other.

  12. anominous on April 8, 2023 at 12:02 am said:

    ok all you scoffers don’t get to have no tornado sirens this year

  13. l3wis on April 8, 2023 at 12:35 am said:

    I taught that was already SOP? Now excuse while I pick a roasted pumpkin seed from my teeth.

  14. Dr. Derecho & Mr. Haboob on April 8, 2023 at 9:22 am said:

    I think we need a special haboob siren or a derecho siren, but let’s do it with some class where it sounds like a Parisian police car from an old Peter Seller’s spy movie:

  15. scott on April 8, 2023 at 11:49 am said:

    if pth has a pumpkin policy adviser, does that make him peter pumpkin head?

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