South DaCola

Will Governor Noem apologize to Biden and the DOJ over claims of hacking?

It’s seems even Mr. HEIDELBERGER is wondering where the radio silence is from Noem and the supposed ‘hacking’;

Governor Noem has declined to comment on this dubious prosecution, but she made sure her taxpayer-funded lawyer, general counsel Katie Hruska, was in the courtroom yesterday, even though Hruska was not one of the prosecuting attorneys and even though Noem herself did not file the complaint that prompted this show.

So let’s review how adults handle situations like this;

• Dakota News Now did the right thing by terminating Mr. Goss

• The courts did the right thing by sentencing the case properly

• Mr. Goss did the right thing by apologizing to all involved parties

So my question is, will Noem do the right thing and apologize to the president and the DOJ for falsely accusing them of phone hacking?

Where you went wrong Mr. Goss is admitting ANY guilt. You just lost your street cred with the Pierre Country Clubbers.

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