Dakotanewsnow did a story about park master plans, and I took a screenshot of this sticky note from a constituent.

Dogs have multiple parks in Sioux Falls, they also have sidewalks, any greenspace, your house, backyard and even at a bar or restaurant. As a bicyclist I only have a few options, but if you have to ‘find’ places where your dog can be walked in Sioux Falls, you really have deeper issues, like how to smell ‘fer’.

By l3wis

One thought on “The Sioux Falls Rec Trail is ‘Shared Use’”
  1. Note that the park boundary (and main entrance) is not adjacent to Ellis Road. Thirteen years since the park opened, the main entrance is still a dusty gravel road.

    With the NW extension of the bike trail, Family Park has become a trailhead for many nearby residents. Yet, the city refuses to asphalt the park entrance because “it is outside the city limits”. They repeatedly defer the question to the county.

    Before the city pours a $1M+ dollars into park improvements, how about a couple thousand dollars in asphalt for basic safety? Nothing pisses me off more than a city bureaucrat passing the buck to another government agency. Either way, we taxpayers foot the bill.

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