Recently I mentioned what the business elite call pro-democracy, politically involved, regular middle class folks; special interests. It was startling because the mayor recently used the term to describe certain folks who were promoting the original sustainability program. There have been other regular folks who have individually advocated for changes to 14th street, public art, and even riding E2s on the bike trail. While I have no problem with being called a special interest (I have always thought I was special 🙂 I am only an individual looking out for my personal interest, so am I really a special interest?;
What are considered special interest groups?
A special interest group (SIG) is a community within a larger organization with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field, and may communicate, meet, and organize conferences.
There are broader explanations of the specific groups, but nowhere does it say an individual who walks to the podium at a council meeting an airs their views about a city issue makes them a special interest.
A better term would be citizen advocate;
Citizen advocacy is when you work with a member of the community who volunteers their time to advocate for local people. Citizen advocates usually work with those who would otherwise find it challenging to speak up for their own rights, views and wishes. Your relationship with a citizen advocate can be long-term.
So why is this important? Many times elected leaders put labels on people who just want the city to be better. They don’t belong to some group that is trying to undermine the government of Sioux Falls, the politicians are already doing a fine job of that themselves. They are just practicing their 1st Amendment Rights of dissenting the government.
So do we have a special interest problem in Sioux Falls? We do. But it has nothing to do with Gladys complaining about loud music at the park, they have specific names like the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, Sanford Hospital, Development Foundation, Housing Association, Retailers Association, etc.
The mayor is calling Gladys a special interest because he is trying to deflect the REAL issue with REAL special interests in our community, like developers giving thousands of dollars to PACS which get funneled to the special candidates (rubber stampers).
So in conclusion, Gladys is a citizen advocate, banking executives and development company owners are special interests. Don’t believe what the Dutch Mafia tells you.
Very good, Educational story, great job…but also keep in mind that anyone of who is a Qualified Voter can be, and is a public advocate, politician, and a person(s) of whom can become “interested” in a specific political movement.
Therefore, anyone on the list below can be Special Interest Men and Women:
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
Secretary of State
State Treasurer
State Auditor
Land Commissioner
Public Utilities Commissioner
Supreme Court Justice(s)
State or County Judges
State Senator
State Representative
State Officials, Officers, Agents, Employees
All Members of the S.D Legislative Research Council
County Sheriffs
County, District Attorneys
County Commissioners,
County Officials, Officers, Agents, Employees
City Mayors
City Councilors
City Officials, Officers, Agents, Employees
County and Precinct Committee Persons
Property Holders
Qualified Voters
My Mommy always told me that I was special, does that count?
AND, what about the “Daily Special”, which can be ordered by us unlike special interests which always try to tell us what to do or order?
If you tell someone that they are special, is that a compliment, or a come-on? I guess it depends upon how special they are and what special qualities they have. Specially, if they are good looking, but then that also becomes a compliment and a come-on. So, maybe if they are less special, then it’s not a come-on, but rather something special you say to someone who is really not special, or specially good looking, but yet you just want to make them feel good in a special way….. #SpecialKCereal #SaturdayNightSpecial #BlueLightSpecial #SpecialAssignment #SpeciallyNot. 🙁