During public input tonight at the Sioux Falls City Council meeting, former Commissioner Robert Kolbe made the above statement that he said he took from Jim Abourezk’s memorial service.

I wasn’t quite sure where he was going with the testimony, but he ended with something like this;

‘You should take that barren wall you have downtown (bunker ramp?) and in the middle have a photo of the last four mayors and on top it would say ‘Sioux Falls is a great place to live . . .’ and under them it would say ‘In spite of them’.

As Kolbe leaves the podium Mayor Grunty says out loud into his microphone ‘Classy’.

I am starting to wonder what Poops has against former elected officials? Oh that’s right, they understand history (and probably don’t skip their afternoon naps so they are not a grumpy, grunting, mumbling chair at the meetings). I will start to get worried when he shows up to the meetings with a milk mustache and cookie crumbs on his shirt.

Every time I see the mayor do this, it seems he is trying to get a laugh out of councilor Jensen, which oddly reminds me of this scene;

5 Thoughts on “‘Who is getting screwed, and how bad?’

  1. D@ily Spin on July 19, 2023 at 9:51 am said:

    Actually, Kolbe sees what many have come to realize. Authoritarian Charter has turned city hall into a crime syndicate. Worse, it’s unconstitutional and denies due process. Since Munson, a half billion annual budget gets distributed to a developer Godfather and criminal inside contractors. Each mayor has little left for infrastructure and services. It’s not as bad as Trump. It’s worse.

    This is a ‘Joe Floyd’ police force without body cameras and porn on their laptops. Murder and robberies double annually. Directors are unqualified and (conveniently) get replaced before they can report irregularities and unlawful conduct. Finance is an unrecognized. The mayor could be a good Willy Wonka who focuses on children touring the factory and doing gymnastics. Mayors since 1996 disappeared into the First Premier asylum. There’s no future after a city labotamy.

    I moved neighboring but outside city limits. I got the idea from city employees. Think of Sioux Falls as a Detroit with a perimeter of Halloween burned out crack houses. Downtown is nice for insiders and their families but keep it isolated and secure with concertina wire and claymores. The rest of us must be sure and relocate far enough out so we can’t be annexed.

    TenMistaken stated ‘Classy’ but ‘Glassy’ is a better whispered contempt.

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on July 19, 2023 at 1:07 pm said:

    Taupeville brats.

  3. The Guy From Guernsey on July 19, 2023 at 10:39 pm said:

    Imagine that!
    Rude, insolent and immature behavior. All from the “Decorum Mayor”.

  4. "Woodstock" on July 20, 2023 at 9:32 am said:

    “Say, did you see where our former president, who our Mayor once gave a B+ to, is going to be in Rapid City in September?” …:


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