South DaCola

Is the New ‘No Labels’ party going to be involved with the City of Sioux Falls 2024 council election?

I heard a rumor recently that a west coast organization was sniffing around in Sioux Falls looking for an opportunity to run ‘progressive independent candidates’. My source wouldn’t tell me the name of the organization, but passed my contact info along.

My assumption is that it is NO LABELS and they seem to have a vested interest in getting involved in local races like school board, county commission and city council.

As I understand it they are willing to assist campaigns, especially ones that are bi-partisan in nature, like a city council race.

I have been telling people I would like to see at least 3 solid candidates for each of the 4 city council races this next Spring, and it may happen.

Someone has already told me they are running for Neitzert’s NW district seat (he is term limited) and another person told me they are interested in running for a different district seat.

There has also been some recruitment efforts by Rick Knobe’s group, the Change Agents, the Patriot Ripple Effect (ultra right wing) and the South Dakota Democratic party.

I have been telling people who are actively recruiting or considering a run that Mayor MisTaken will have his 4 recruited, well groomed, christian, white lackeys in which he will endorse and feed shady PAC money to, and why wouldn’t he? It worked in the last election.

I can tell you that many who watch the council races closely have studied the shellacking the NON-PAUL candidates got in the last election, and they are not going to let it happen again.

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