I watched this movie tonight and it was pretty, pretty, pretty good (that’s my Larry David rating system). What surprised me is there hasn’t been any local media coverage about this recently. I do recall a story from a couple of months ago that they were filming a movie on Pine Ridge and then nothing. The movie came out last Friday. I highly recommend journalists in our local media go see the movie, and please cover it.

One Thought on “War Pony

  1. Very Stable Genius on August 6, 2023 at 5:01 pm said:

    For years, the media never reported disappearances on the Rez. So, why expect them to report on this? Perhaps, they have a track record to protect.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, VSG, where in the hell have you been?….. “Speaking of disappearances”….. )

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