I saw this video series today on the City’s YT channel, short videos explaining what city employees do.

A better video series would be about how taxpayers are getting bilked on projects thru backdoor bid negotiations.

Would that be considered a dark comedy?

One Thought on “Who says the City of Sioux Falls isn’t transparent?

  1. D@ily Spin on August 2, 2023 at 8:06 am said:

    Nobody buys a car from their misfit brother in law at full sticker price with false promises extended warrantee and all the sneaky dealer add-ones. The city awards contracts to insiders at cost plus expenses when standard municipal practice is competitive bid with maybe a bonus if it’s finished ahead of schedule. Why would one want to timely finish a project when stalling with inflated expenses is more than the preposterous guaranteed profit?

    I’m reminded of a million dollar project that was a park bench and 2 small trees along the bike trail. It required sophisticated architectural plans and a separate concrete pad. The only comedy club in Sioux Falls is city council meetings when something such as this is approved. It can’t be fixed without FBI intervention. For now it’s a good laugh.

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