South DaCola

Did the ‘Wine and Cheese’ Dems in Sioux Falls screw up a public event with DOT Secretary Buttigieg?

I changed my registration from Dem to Indy when Daschle voted for the Iraq War and have not returned. At the time, there was gobs of evidence that the WMD claims were a ruse, and Tommy Boy certainly knew that, and I told a friend, “I guess the Dem party doesn’t believe in diplomacy anymore, so I’m leaving them until they do.”

Fast forward last week when Pete came to South Dakota but seemed to skip a public event in the state’s largest city.

While the media was clueless as usual and I’m sure no one in city government was going to do a photo op with a Biden appointee I still had some hope that the South Dakota Dem party would do a public event.

Rumor has it they had the event, it just wasn’t public.

Some Sioux Falls Democratic legislators decided to throw a private party with Buttigieg. So not only was the public NOT invited, many Dem loyalists from across the state were also not invited.

I saw some selfies on FB with Pete at a popular DTSF hotel bar and was wondering how this event came about.

The ‘rumor’ is the SD Dem party left it up to a certain SF legislator to plan any events around Pete’s visit, inviting the public and other Dem party reps.

She decided to have a private party instead, you know, because that builds party support in a state that is 90% RED!!!!!!!!

You know, you are called the ‘Big Tent Party’ and if you want to work on the recruitment numbers, that haven’t been positive in years, when prominent, respected, Dems come to town, you use them as a recruitment tool not a book end at your cocktail party.

I don’t think things could get much worse for the party, even if TenHaken was running it.

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