South DaCola

Save Lincoln Park group is taking names and kicking . . .

Okay, that was a little over the top, but you have to applaud a group of neighbors who have organized to save greenspace in the heart of our city. If anyone has visited this gem on the corner of 9th and Grange, it is a wonderful, uninterrupted space in a very historical and yet modest neighborhood.

Totally worth saving.

Besides the organizing skills of the group, I really appreciated this video of the groups member, Bob. How is it that a community advocacy group can do a video in the middle of a park in which you can hear every word he says but the city with millions invested in ‘media’ can’t hold a presser in a room specifically designed for the media without audio issues?

Maybe the Lincoln Park folks need to start a campaign to save the city’s media department to? Maybe they can borrow Bob’s bluetooth.

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