South DaCola

Space Aliens landed at the Minnehaha County Commission meeting today

When I first read about the meeting this afternoon, I did not believe it, oh but it happened (FF: 45:30);

Minnehaha County Commission Meeting - September 26th, 2023

What would have been a routine invoice approval turned into a regular old Tea Party in which our county auditor presumably invited her other bagger friends to tell the commission and public that using machines to count votes is very corrupt, even though much evidence has shown that automated tabulators are WAY more accurate then human counting (and probably the reason we had a Soviet style school bond election that was hand counted).

There is MUCH more room for fraud and corruption when you have humans counting the votes.

In podunk elections like funding pools with garbage, hand counting makes sense. Who wants to fire up the 1942 Massey Ferguson to plow a 1 acre lot? But in a county of this size, it would take many days and audits to make hand counting work.

Even if the counters are not unethical or corrupt, human error happens. When the machine is unclear of the vote, it spits it out and the review board considers the ballot. That is a GOOD thing.

This comment pretty much sums it up;

But Commissioner Joe Kippley had the harshest criticism for Anderson and her supporters, saying he didn’t appreciate “the smuggling in” of other issues to a routine service agreement.

“I just don’t get this Pontius Pilate, washing my hands, I’m just a tribune to the people, and I will let the public commentors come up and smuggle in all of these issues that have frankly been litigated in court,” Kippley said.

Kippley alluded to the litigation that electronic voting machine companies filed against supporters of former President Trump following the 2020 election in which they alleged the machines had been hacked. Fox News settled a lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems earlier this year for $787 million.

“I really don’t have a lot of patience for the nonsense around the election fraud stuff,” he said, noting that elections since 2000 have been disputed by the losing sides.

His entire testimony is actually very informative and entertaining. He pretty much threw a wet blanket on the MAGAts.

People win. People lose. It is NOT a broken system, that is how elections work. Can someone please explain it to our county auditor because I am pretty sure her hand is somewhere besides using it to count votes. And while it is up there, why don’t you pull out your head.

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