South DaCola

Would Christine Erickson make a good mayor?

So Christine pulled herself from hiding (not really) today and was featured on the podcast of the Dakota Scout.* She talked about a run for mayor at the very end of the podcast.

Christine has been a pretty effective politician, organizing the FREE youth bus rides, changing the school start date (though the fascists on the school board overturned it the next year, because that is the cool thing to do 🙁 and saving a packing plant that apparently didn’t need saving.)

She has moxie. And I don’t say that about a lot of people. While Erickson and Stehly could be worlds apart, they share this passion. Women who understand leadership know they must work twice as hard, be twice as loud and fight right up until the end to be effective.

Christine checks those boxes. She also doesn’t let criticism deter her.

While she wouldn’t be my first choice in the 2026 mayoral election (there are some interesting names dropping lately) if it was a runoff between her and another candidate, she would probably crush it.

A fellow city government nerd who leans left like me said to me today, ‘I think Christine would be a good mayor, because she wouldn’t tolerate the BS and she knows how to organize.’ That pretty much summed it up for me.

In the brief time I got to know Christine, one thing stands out, she takes no prisoners, and she will always fight for you. I may not agree with her on numerous policy points, but I can guarantee Christine would never show up to a presser and say, ‘I didn’t sign up for this.’ or ‘I got a million other things to do.’ Likely she would say, “Well this f’ckn sucks! Let’s fix it!”

I think we might see our first female Sioux Falls mayor. But can she do jumping jacks?

*Towards the end of the podcast, Christine decided to spread a bunch of BS about EVs, and of course Joe and Jon jumped on the rightwinger bandwagon. Christine claimed that EVs cost $60,000 grand. Sure, depending on the model. But you can get a used one in the teens and a newer, more modest model for around $30K. The technology with EVs is moving so fast, batteries for these vehicles will hold enough charge that will compete with combustion within a few years (there are already EV’s out there that have long distance charges). And once the car companies figure out battery exchange stations, you won’t have to wait for a charge. The right winger tropes about EVs always cracks me up. They are making anti-EV arguments from 1995.

With all the ramblings about the autoworkers strike and converting to EV manufacturing I just laugh at the CEO’s of these companies. You could of had a very successful and profitable EV transition years ago, but you decided to kill that? Didn’t you?

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