10 Thoughts on “Dusty Johnson calls his party leadership clowns

  1. Very Stable Genius on October 5, 2023 at 3:36 pm said:

    This is classic Dusty Johnson. Notice how he immediately walks back his own name calling. He’s always trying to have his cake and eat it too. Like saving Mt. Rushmore, while trying to preserve the site at Wounded Knee. Oh, and let’s not forget when he voted with the Democrats to criticize Trump for grabbing Defense appropriations for a wall via an executive order, then gets criticized on the right for this vote, so then what does Dusty do, well, he immediately runs down to the border for some social media “Pro Wall” selfie action.

    In this interview, Dusty also complains about the $33 trillion debt our country has, but most of that is because the entire Republican Clown Party has been cutting taxes for the rich time after time over the past 40 years and I don’t see Dusty asking to repeal any of that supply-side nonsense. And if he is really concerned about the border, then why was he one of the few Republicans to chide Trump for building a wall via executive order if the border is a crisis issue then and now?

    Plus, the so called moderates in the US House, which Dusty often tries to be a leader of, are as much to blame for this current mess in the US House as the Matt Gaetzs of the world. Because the “moderates” have been enablers to Trump and his disciples for far too long. In fact, it’s the Republican politics of the last 40 years, in terms of trade and taxes, that has led to the collapse of the American middle class, a reality which then led to Trump’s election in 2016. And I really don’t see Dusty moving away from those Republican policies either with or without Gaetz and his crowd in the House.

    Let’s face it, Dusty is the problem. Gaetz is merely a by-product of the Dusty approach and agenda.

    Damn it, I should have ran against him in 2022….. 😉 What was I thinking?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “VSG, you’re getting older, it’s time you were nicer to teenagers…. You never know when one of them might end up being your nurse or doctor in a nursing home someday”…. )

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on October 5, 2023 at 4:06 pm said:

    Yep, I woke up to this bullshit this morning…. But then I noticed “Mitchell, South Dakota/Skype” up in the right hand corner of the screen during the interview and I became proud as a South Dakotan…. AND, Mitchell could use some publicity like this… They have been playing ball for far too long…..

  3. D@ily Spin on October 6, 2023 at 12:16 pm said:

    8 Republicans voted to oust McCarthy but all democrats (overwhelming majority) voted to remove him. I blame democrats. They conceded and voted for a last minute urgent budget extension. Some should have networked to keep McCarthy.

    Republicans want to defund Ukraine and southern border security. Must not happen. Ukraine abandonment invites NATO to follow suit. Ukraine will fall almost immediately. Staying with Ukraine is a no brainer. In fact, make it last. Putin’s military prowess is depleted. NATO can walk in and take his Nukes. He has 10% more than the US. China is a Russian ally but feels their nuclear threat. China has 1/3 less nukes and will not intervene. The US has no military involved but there are 2 warring divisions recently subliminally deployed to the region. US weapons have proven superior. Much of what’s been sent is nearly obsolete. New ones are better. Building them is good for the economy. Did greedy Republicans forget about promoting defense stocks?

    The border with Mexico hardly exists. Immigration should be welcomed but only those somewhat educated and without a criminal record. Immigrants who serve in the Ukrainian military should qualify for a trial US residency to be later amended to full citizenship.

    Suddenly, there’s a dangerous environment because there’s no congressional leadership.

  4. The money we are giving Ukraine is a loan, THEY HAVE TO PAY US AND NATO BACK. Something the MSM won’t talk about, but many of the political podcasts have brought this up, and I think Biden has even said it.

    I have felt for a long time this is just a money maker for the Industrial Military Complex. Ukraine could have ended this war in a matter of months of we used the full force of advanced US military weapons, instead it seems like we are just cleaning out our old weapons and sending them to Ukraine, in which they have to pay us back for, while the US military spends billions replenishing the older weapons with newer advanced weapentry, we won’t be getting that money back. If you think the money we spent in Ukraine is staggering now wait until you see the Pentagon’s budget requests when this war is over, it will make the money we spent in Afghanistan look like a pittance.

    If Ukraine was truly an ally, every army in Europe would have been there helping them kick Russia’s ass. Instead we send them a 1975 Dodge truck with a slingshot in the box.

  5. The Democrats by not supporting McCarthy merely exposed the Republican fraud that has been going on in recent years thanks to Trump. To blame the Democrats for this crisis is to then ask the Dems to be enablers like Dusty.

    The American people need to see what has become of the GOP and the Democrats have been masterful in painting that picture this past week in the US House.

    The Republicans only have a slim majority in the House because of the Koch Brothers masterful gerrymandering both in the recent past and as well with the most recent census data.

    Sometimes you have to be careful for what you wish. The Republicans got a “majority” built from the timber of two agendas, that timber is now collapsing and it will take the Dems with a majority to rebuild it, and they will in 2024.

    As far as Ukraine, we have to be careful with that war. It needs to continue to be a proxy fight. One of the major reasons we never had a nuclear conflict with the Soviets during the Cold War is because we released tensions between both sides with proxy wars and not direct conflict.

    The Cuban Missile Crisis was the one time it definitely almost got ugly, but having Cuba in the middle of it helped to save face for both sides. Plus, in that crisis the US also pulled missiles out of Turkey, which is seldom reported, but the withdrawal of missiles from Cuba and Turkey demonstrates how the proxy-ization of super power gamesmanship can do much to ease tensions and end war and/or limit them.

  6. Let’s talk border issues for a moment longer: Everyone says it’s a crisis, or at crisis status right now, but how are we going to fill our service economy needs if we effectively close off the border? In the last couple of years, I’ve gotten a new roof and new carpet, and the people who worked on those two projects were shorter than me, darker than me, and spoke a different language. They were most likely first generation, or illegal migrants. So, if they are no longer allowed to come to the US, regardless of how they got here, then who is going to shingle my roof the next time, or lay my carpet the next time?….. Oh, Dusty, are you maybe available?

  7. Further Fear & Loathing on October 6, 2023 at 4:15 pm said:

    “1975 Dodge truck with a slingshot in the box”…..

    I believe Chrysler only offered that option for two years back in the mid 1970s to celebrate the Bi-Centennial. Then, Chrysler got into some financial trouble (I wonder why?), but then rebounded later with Iacocca, the K-car, and some minivans….. One can only imagine, however, what could have happened if they had only brought the slingshot option back for the minivans especially, given their potential side slide door as well as rear door surprise slingshot door openings….. #DontMessWithASoccerMom

  8. "Woodstock" on October 6, 2023 at 4:28 pm said:

    “‘1975 Dodge truck with a slingshot in the box’?”….. “Man, that was too late, but Rat Patrol could have definitely used some of those back in the day, indeed”…..:


  9. Fearing the Fuhrer & More on October 6, 2023 at 4:31 pm said:

    Wow!….. It’s amazing how we can go from Dusty to Rat Patrol….. #YouDirtyRatYou

  10. You know, it just dawned on me, that the leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination is currently indicted in four different criminal cases plus he’s the current defendant in a major civil fraud class, the Republican leader of the US Senate looks more and more like the Bernie from ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’, and the Republicans control the US House but just ouster their speaker and can’t agree on a new speaker. Yet, the Grand Old Party claims they can best lead America into the future. If you ask me, the GOP is a sideshow at best, but please don’t buy their snake oil…. It doesn’t work….

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