UPDATE: So the media decided to defend these ‘private/public’ partnerships;

Beck says private money accelerates development.

“We’re able to move projects forward that we otherwise would have to wait several more years to be able to complete without those extra private dollars,” Beck said.

While it may seem I am opposed to private/public partnerships, I am not, the LINK is a great example of one. Where I get worried is when some rich donors in town DETERMINE where they are going to spend this donation. I have often said those donations should go into the general capital fund for the parks system and have the councilors and public determine the best use of those dollars. You still get your tax write-off and better yet citizens get programming they want! As I have said in the past, I have never heard a single citizen, child or organization tell me that what this city really needs is an ice ribbon, which helps me to draw the conclusion that the DONOR decided we needed this and NOT the public. I think we can continue to do private/public partnerships, but the taxpayers need to be engaged and involved in that process so we can truly get what we want and need instead of being told what we need.


After watching the presser below, it reminded me of the Kmart commercial about ‘shipping drawers’.

Mr. Jacobson spoke about his donation today (made me wonder if some IRS auditors were in attendance) to the ice ribbon. (I wonder if it will be closed if it is too cold like Great Bear does?)

He rambled for awhile about his donation and all of his old buddies that gave money, then he said something that kind of stuck in my craw;

“Shawn (finance director for the city) really worked with us to find the extra money, he would find money in the bottom drawers.”

I don’t think Mr. Jacobson intentionally intended to offend the taxpayers of this city, who fund 99% of this city, but he did.

Apparently the taxpayers of this city who are FORCED to match a rich person’s tax write-off donation are thought of as the ‘bottom drawer’.

Mr. Jacobson, whether your comment was intentional or not, as a taxpayer of this city who funds your ‘dreams’, I am certainly the TOP DRAWER, and never forget it.

On a positive note, the Jacobson’s actually started an endowment also for the ice ribbon’s operation and maintenance, probably won’t cover it 100% but it was a nice touch to their donation.

5 Thoughts on “UPDATE: I just shipped my drawers!

  1. Or maybe Jake meant that he was simply very thorough in finding the matching funds, whereas past Admins might have given more lip service than actual results so projects like the greenway sit unfunded for years. Public/private partnerships are like any other…both sides need to show up.

    Like I said before, lots of old school companies are being sold these days, the amount of money in the local donation pipeline is staggering.

  2. "Woodstock" on October 17, 2023 at 2:15 pm said:

    “‘bottom drawers’?”….. “Isn’t that where they keep the liquor as well?”….

  3. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on October 17, 2023 at 2:19 pm said:

    Oh, they’re saying “ship”…. Now, I get it…. I believe I first saw this commercial aired during an episode of Schitt’s Creek.

  4. before youtube improved their closed captioning, it actually said sh#t.

  5. PPP is just another term used to hide the fact that fascism is being imposed upon the people. It is giving Govt the backdoor to have corporate/big donors control Govt and what will go on in the cities/counties/state/nation. PPP needs to end. Eitherthings are private, are public, or not. If the private sector can not/does not want to fund something then just make it isnt right for the community. The city is spending too much money FORCING the area to become something that the citizens didnt vote for, the taxpayers cant continue to financially support (housing costs are ridiculous), nor that THEY necessarily want.

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