South DaCola

Lenin’s Tomb at the Zoo becoming quite the sideshow

Recently a group has said they are exploring doing a petition drive to try to save the collection. They are working thru the details but hope to have an initiative put together so they can put it on the Spring ballot. I don’t think it would be hard to get the sigs, I just don’t know if voters would support spending millions to save them.

But the potential petition drive isn’t the ‘crazy’ part of the story.

I’ve heard rumors that city councilors have been ‘told’ by the city’s legal team not to discuss the zoo tomb with the media or openly on social media. Not sure if it that is the case and if any of them are complying? Their 1st Amendment rights trump any silly by-laws or state laws that may prevent them from speaking out. Our lead city attorney isn’t known to be a real constitutional scholar.

I have also heard rumors of threats made toward officials. Unfortunately, I believe some people have gone way overboard on this issue, and nothing would surprise me at this point.

Closed government is a double-edge sword. You can’t just close it to your detractors, you have to close everyone out for it to work, including your followers. So guess what? Sometimes your devout followers can become your biggest enemies when you start cutting them out of the information loop.

I’ll keep saying it, there are NO winners with closed government just the LOSERS at the top.


This was from East Dakota Water Development District;

The attached release references the detection of zebra mussels in the Big Sioux River just south of Watertown. The presumed source is Lake Kampeska, which has been known to harbor the little buggers for a few years. Given the relatively rapid movement of river water, GF&P is now considering the entire river downstream of Lake Kampeska “infested.”  We will need to adjust our river sampling protocols to avoid the potential of spreading them further.  Fortunately, the sampling season is about to end for 2023.

This should be of particular note to the City of Sioux Falls, which draws water directly from the river just north of the airport. We’ve all seen the pictures of zebra mussels clogging water intakes. The last I heard, they get about 6-7% of their water from the river, so this could have an impact in a time of growing demand.

I’ve never heard our public works team talk about this before. Maybe the administration will treat it like other issues, ignore it and hope it goes away and if not paint a mural over it.

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