South DaCola

The Animals at the Zoo aren’t the only thing that is dead

Dead silence, that’s what you will hear at the meeting held Wednesday at 8 AM because there is NO public input;

Brockhouse Collec-on at the Delbridge – October 4, 2023
8:00 a.m., City Hall Media Room
Work Group meeting #1
Work Group Invites:
Don Kearney
Becky Dewitz
Councilor Alex Jensen
Councilor Rich Merkouris
Mick Conlin
Jeanelle Lust
Ally Brandner
Jeff Scherschligt
Staff Invites:
Denise DePaolo
Jenna Harris
Vanessa Gomez
Karen Leonard
Audrey OWo-Pepper
Dave Pfeifle
Catherine Schlimgen
Erica Beck

  1. Developing a plan for surplus, Erica Beck
    a. Mayor TenHaken’s request
    b. Work group & resource team
    c. Meeting hygiene
    d. Targeted milestones
    e. Today’s meeting focus
  2. Introduc-ons, Erica Beck
  3. Brief overview and history of the collec-on, Don Kearney and Becky Dewitz
    a. City / Delbridge agreement
  4. Collection condition, Becky Dewitz
    a. Master inventory list
    b. Annual maintenance
    c. Condi-on assessment
    d. Testing – previous and ongoing
  5. Es-mated costs of refurbishing, encasing, and building a new space for the collec-on, Becky
    Dewitz and Don Kearney
  6. Op-ons for surplus, City aWorney’s office, Becky Dewitz and Don Kearney
    a. Legal considera-ons
    b. Liability
    c. Specific to the master inventory list
  7. Next meeting: October 19, 8:00 a.m., City Hall Media Room

As you can see, the administration changed their mind and decided to have a public meeting. The problem is the public isn’t allowed to speak. This could be a violation of state open meeting laws dealing with public input;

The public body shall reserve at every official meeting a period for public comment, limited at the public body’s discretion as to the time allowed for each topic and the total time allowed for public comment, but not so limited as to provide for no public comment.

Public comment is not required at official meetings held solely for the purpose of meeting in executive session, an inauguration, swearing in of newly elected officials, or presentation of an annual report to the governing body, regardless of whether the activity takes place at the time and place usually reserved for an official meeting.

So is this an official meeting? Technically YES! It was publicly posted on the city website 24 hours in advance, so that would make it an official meeting. But the violation may have already occurred. Since it is under the 24 hour window to re-post a corrected agenda that includes public input, they may have already had a boo-boo. They could however correct it at the beginning of the meeting by making a motion to include public input on the agenda.

But that won’t likely happen.

You know, the hits keep a coming!

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