Once Spellerberg announced this week that he will be running for council I figured more names would be coming out this week;

Tarek Maalouf, an attorney and actuary in Sioux Falls, announced his candidacy Wednesday for the council’s Northeast District, saying he’s committed to supporting policies that foster affordable housing, public safety and economic development.

I have heard good things about Tarek (I was told he was running this past Saturday). He is considered a moderate Republican though I’m not sure about this;

serves as the secretary of the South Dakota Young Republicans

I’m not real keen on a partisan serving in local government and that goes for any party you are associated with. BUT, I actually like attorneys on the city council because they can weed thru the BS the lead city attorney throws at them. Councilor Brekke was constantly calling them out and probably the reason Paul recruited Cole to run against her.

I also like that Tarek is young and could bring a different perspective to the council. But I do have to wonder if he was recruited by the mayor. He checks SOME of the boxes; Male, Republican, moved here in 2021 from the East.

The NE district is pretty solid blue, so if a smart progressive challenges Tarek he would likely lose.

UPDATE: Imagine my surprise when I went to Tarek’s FB page, he copied my Emmett logo (EVEN the FONT that I manually designed). I am flattered but you butchered it. Throw me a few bucks and I can clean it up for yah. BTW, Emmett lost his race, just sayin.

I asked Emmett if he gave him his logo and he told me he didn’t even know Tarek.

7 Thoughts on “UPDATE: The announcements have begun for the Sioux Falls City Council race

  1. "Woodstock" on October 4, 2023 at 12:25 pm said:

    “WTF?”….. “I thought the Republicans were going to impeach Biden, but instead they ousted one of their own, McCarthy”…. “AND, I’m not too sure about Jim Jordan as speaker”…. “Because don’t you have to own at least a sport coat/blazer to qualify for that job?”…. #TrumpsAMess #HeMadeTheGOPAMess

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on October 4, 2023 at 12:27 pm said:

    Has this “Young Republican” ever been to an ALEC meeting? Because he sounds like an Alex Keaton.

  3. My Mistake Mike on October 4, 2023 at 2:55 pm said:

    I saw his submitted family photo in the Argus. Which one is Tarek?

  4. Further Fear & Loathing on October 4, 2023 at 3:20 pm said:

    Those two campaign logos look like St Louie after a major buzz saw incident, or would that be accident? I guess you would have to ask the fine folks at the Steel project about that one…. Maybe we could use some Clydesdales as well. That way the sip and cycle participants could drink more and pedal less. But who would we get to follow them with a shovel? Maybe some drunk Shriners, huh? I like St. Louie, however. They have the Mississippi while we have the Big Sioux. Like I said. They have the Mississippi. #Cardinals&Canaries

  5. Fearing the Fuhrer & More on October 4, 2023 at 3:29 pm said:

    Maybe Jim Jordan could pick up a nice used dark blue windowpane blazer from a Junior League rummage sale in Taupeville. #LookingThePart

  6. Sick of Fearing on October 4, 2023 at 4:41 pm said:

    Tarek? Isn’t that a ….. OH, never mind, that’s Tourettes. But speaking of that, imagine if a council member suffered from Tourettes. Because we know what would happen to a member of the public if they suffered from such a condition, especially during public input. But what if a council member did? I can just imagine this member telling Mike Z., Sierra, Scott, or Kolbe, or even a department director to just “Fxxk-off!”… LOL …. I know I would start attending council meetings on a regular basis…. It would be better than any comedy club and with some sleeveless vests in hand…..

  7. What's it all about, Selfie? on October 4, 2023 at 5:15 pm said:

    I’d throw my own hat into the ring, but I’d hate to look or become vulnerable due to a combover. #TrumpHair

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