South DaCola

The Charter Revision Commission reveals our childcare crisis in Sioux Falls

Mail and Female (1937) Clip - The He-Man Woman Haters Club

I am sure you are expecting that the CRC got a proposal at their meeting today that would aid in combatting our childcare crisis in Sioux Falls. You would be wrong. What they got was a whole bunch of folks that need childcare (elder care) and I am not talking about the constituent’s proposals but the response from the commission itself.

I encourage you to watch how the chair was eager to kill a proposal and one member was confused by the authoritarian nature of the mayor’s office asking ‘What is the issue?’

IDK, Dictatorships are bad?

Commission Member Larry Long to the rescue who moved to have all proposals moved to the last meeting for approval instead of killing them several months before the election.

Let’s make it clear, the people making the proposals know they will be killed by the CRC, the funny part to watch is how the CRC plans to kill them eloquently. So far it looks like the He Man Woman Hater’s Club has been convening instead of a commission that’s duty is to recommend ballot questions.

Thought I would never say it, but can we please have Justin Smith back as chair? Pretty Please? He seemed to be awake and engaged in the meetings. Is that to much to ask from a volunteer?

I have felt for awhile there is an underground tow to change our city charter, not sure who is going to bare that fruit, but I think it is coming sooner rather than later, and these clowns on the CRC can kill, kill, kill, all they want, but at the end of the day, it is the people who rule.

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