One Thought on “Change Agents of South Dakota

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on December 29, 2023 at 3:53 pm said:

    It’s too late. We’re fxxked. I’ve replaced my snowblower with a leaf blower. The Jesus plows sit dormant like January Christmas clearance. Even if A.I. helps, it will then turn on us next. Great Bear keeps postponing its opening day, so no wonder 200 people showed-up. There’s a humming noise coming from Smithfield. At least it’s not covid this time, but it’s most likely the music of Chinese hams being cured and wrapped for the eventual climatic rapture, which will come when the big frozen freezer next to Amazon bursts open with hams and cold air to lay upon the drought stricken landscape that we once fondly called Siouxland…. Sustainability my ass, that’s also what the doctor says to you when you are at stage IV.

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