This is news to me, but it may have been in the Mayor’s budget for 2024. What we need is more street teams at night, not some pencil pusher doodling with data. We know what the problem is, we just need to do the work.

3 Thoughts on “City of Sioux Falls hiring Homeless Coordinator

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on December 29, 2023 at 4:05 pm said:

    Will this Coordinator have lieutenants underneath him or her? Because I would love to be the Executive Vice-President in charge of homelessness in Taupeville. It would probably pay pretty good, and I’d have little work that would have to get done, which is fine with me. Although, I might suggest, in that capacity, that they begin to allow camping at the 85th Street Walmart, so as to relieve pressure on the rest of the city. Because, I believe that Taupeville is now ready for this since they are now getting a new prison nearby as well.

  2. D@ily Spin on December 30, 2023 at 4:48 am said:

    A homeless coordinator from elsewhere would come into the city not being able to afford a home. Living in a car would be close to the problem. I can’t believe the city admits there’s a homeless issue. They’re growing up and away from some of the arrogance. Bravo

  3. Very Stable Genius on December 30, 2023 at 6:17 pm said:

    “… I can’t believe the city admits there’s a homeless issue. They’re growing up and away from some of the arrogance….”

    Boy, ain’t that the truth! Maybe next they’ll do something about the Bunker Ramp, put some new siding on the Events Center, integrate our school system, and greatly enhance our transit system around here. #HopeIsEnternal

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