South DaCola

Election Deniers are making me very nervous about the City Election

Watch the below video (FF: 30:00). Minnehaha County Auditor, Leah Anderson, tries to blame ES & S for her lack of knowledge with elections. At one point she complains she has to cancel her vacation to learn her job. Yah think?!

She also complains that their is too many people from ES & S answering her questions. Huh? Hey Leah, that is called customer service. We pay a lot for these services, they should provide this level of service.

Trust me, ES & S isn’t an Angel, they have issues, but there are best practices that can be followed to remedy issues.

Leah admits during the conference that she hasn’t even touched a tabulation machine and has no idea how they work . . . 4 MONTHS before a city election!!!!

We can’t hand count a city election. First off, the city already has a contract with the county to machine tabulate the votes, so this delusional idea you are going to hand count the election isn’t going to happen.

As I have said in the past, Assistant City Clerks Denise and Tamara have decades of election experience, but my worry is that they may be bullied by the Auditor. I would suggest that on city election night next Spring, the auditor sits back and learns something or better yet, take her much needed vacation that week!

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