South DaCola

Ignorance is the root of all Evil

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There has been a lot of talk on the Left and the Right about ‘Evil’ politicians. Both sides throw it around like a hot potato because it instills this belief that a person’s actions in the name of evil is somehow something deep inside their souls that they cannot control, ‘They were born evil’.

Are some politicians evil? Sure. But not by the religious definition.

Plato and Socrates agree, that evil doesn’t stem from dark shadows or religious dark spirits but from the choices we make, or don’t make.

Plato asserted that it is the innate laziness, ignorance and lack of attention to pursuing good that, in the beginning, leads humans to fall into “the first lie, of the soul” that then often leads to self-indulgence and evil.

Socrates said that the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. The unexamined life is not worth living. There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

While I wouldn’t call any of our local elected officials ‘Evil’ because it just sounds like some foolish Old Testament babble some MAGAt would fart out, but within in the confines of the great philosopher’s opines, I would say they are participating in evil (corrupt) acts due to their lack of empathy and ignorance.

So just remember the next time you see a politician do something ‘evil’ it’s not the dark lord forcing the hand, it is mostly likely money.

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