Guest Post – Mike Zitterich

Sioux Falls City Council Votes 5 to 3 to Not Rename the 6th Street Bridge to be Unity Bridge, December 19, 2023, Item #20 – led by City Councilor Curt Seohl, who believed that the process to which was utilized to discuss the renaming of the bridge was broken, he was further supported by Greg Neitzert, Pat Starr, Sarah Cole, and David Barranco. For now, the name of the bridge will continue to remain as the 6th Street Bridge, until further notice. Voting no today, does not keep us from renaming the bridge, but the discussions will proceed further into the future on whether or not we choose to wish to rename the bridge or not. 

For now, it is nice to see the City Council fighting for the People of Sioux Falls in it’s Fight for Control of Public Policy. 

Editor’s Note

I agree with Councilor Soehl and Pat Starr who commented on the naming that the word ‘Unity’ is very odd, but not surprising from a mayor who likes to play constant f’ing word games with everything he touches. As I said to someone, if you are giving peeps direction, you wouldn’t say ‘take the Unity bridge’ you would call it what it is, the 6th street bridge. Unbelievably moronic idea. I was surprised that NOT all 8 voted NO, but that would have required ‘Unity’ 🙂

I heard he also wants to change the name of Highway 11 to Harmony Highway 🙂

I also had to laugh when the staffer presenting the item said ‘We don’t normally take donations for infrastructure.’ Huh?

• Denny Sanford Premier Center

• Jacobsen Plaza

• Midco Aquatic Center

And many, many, more. Parks and entertainment facilities are owned by the taxpayers and maintained by the taxpayers, that would make them ‘infrastructure’.

Ironically the bridge is currently in the same position as our city government; CLOSED.

10 Thoughts on “Mayor TenHaken’s word games get shot down by council

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on December 19, 2023 at 10:55 pm said:

    I think they should call it the Seney Island Bridge and memorialize the bridge as a memorial to a once wooded island on the Big Sioux in that proximity, that has now been replaced by a $20 million dollar bridge to The Land of Cherapa, where its wide promenade welcomes the jettison capabilities of extended cement platforms over the Big Sioux, which then allow for enjoyment along the lines of corn hole apparatuses, pickle ball courts, and ice bumper cars galore, that then overlook the Arcs, which are an obvious symbolic attempt to be St Louis with an inferiority complex in hand, pickle balls, sandbags, or not.

  2. So then, is this Mayor off pouting somewhere because his name choice was shot down? Will he attempt to revive the name when the dust has settled after the election and has new Councilors in place?

  3. Steve, I thought the same thing. He was certainly trying to figure out how he got Rick Rolled after the vote, but you are right, he will just name it anyway. I even think he may pull out the veto pen on this one. Which would make the UNITY name even more ironic.

    He’s been unofficially calling it the Unity bridge for over 2 years.

    This ain’t over.

  4. D@ily Spin on December 20, 2023 at 8:54 am said:

    Let Big Ten have this one before he gets a chance to color block paint it like the Parking Tower MisTaken. Start thinking of a humorous acronym for ‘Unity’.

  5. Mike Lee Zitterich on December 20, 2023 at 10:44 am said:

    I thought the same, while the Mayor could use the Veto power here, I do not see the current mayor utilizing that approach. Image is everything, and if could guess the next move, it will bring the two offices together, as they may attempt to reconsider the resolution. I do not see Mayor Paul TenHaken attempting to veto.

    I do see him, as Mayor, working it back through the City Council, getting at least two City Councilors or more, to vote to reconsider the resolution in the future, which will allow for further discussion to be had, which will allow the Mayor Office to tell its side of the story, let alone, find compromises with the City Council. This is the approach I would recommend to both the Mayor and City Council.

    In all actuality, I have no problem with the name Unity Bridge, and if the two sides can work out their differences of opinion on the matter, I would encourage it.

    There is going to have to be some level of effort by both sides, and the people to present Unity, and to that, we will need to present compromises on other topics.

  6. Further Fear & Loathing on December 20, 2023 at 6:04 pm said:

    On second thought, a town, which is a ‘Tale of Two Cities’, could use a “Unity Bridge”. It could serve as a means for commoners to reach the other side and The Land of Cherapa.

  7. Why does every bridge need to have a name?

  8. Very Stable Genius on December 20, 2023 at 9:56 pm said:

    A bridge is man’s attempt to create land, an opportunity to play God. To name a bridge gives it relevance, or a presumptuous self importance as man’s inferior complex to be a God and create land is not good enough, and often shaming, and self-doubting.

    A bridge to nowhere can be funded. ‘The Bridge on the River Kwai’ can be filmed.
    A ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ can be recorded. A bridge found in one’s mouth can be placed. A bridge that is burned is an opportunity that is lost. To play Bridge makes a Tuesday night fun. But a bridge, when there is no ferryman, is a means to one’s end.

  9. "Woodstock" on December 20, 2023 at 10:14 pm said:

    “Say, is there any truth to the rumor that Lloyd Bridges used to date Bridget Bardot?”…. “If so, he was a lucky man”….. 🙂 ……….:

  10. Nice guest post, Mike, I don’t agree with you much, but want to offer a compliment when it is deserved. Thanks for your continued reporting on the local content.

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