If you are a city council nerd like me you see things that make you go WTF!?

Regulatory Oversight Committee, January 2, 2:30 PM


I didn’t even know this committee existed, but it is possible if I licked the dirty corners of the city charter I could find such an institution.

Either way, let’s pretend they had a meeting in the last decade, why all of a sudden they need to have a meeting? Weird. Real F’ing weird.

Can’t wait to see this agenda. Hopefully I don’t have to play pocket pool looking for it on the (sh)city website.


I have been told by a city official the city council is actively working on having ONE calendar on the city website that directs citizens to ALL public city meetings (Maybe this is what their big once every 10 years meeting is about). This is also internal, as the council has become frustrated with the multiple calendars from this leaderless city. It’s unfortunate that the city council, our policy body, has to put in city law (ordinance) obvious open government crap. You would think after spending almost half million on a new website we would have a functioning calendar?

Maybe that costs extra?

19 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council WTF?!

  1. Mike Lee Zitterich on December 29, 2023 at 4:41 am said:


    It is a newly created Committee, created in the past 45 days.

  2. Jon Jermane on December 29, 2023 at 3:36 pm said:

    So, let me get this right. A former governor from South Carolina, a state which was once a part of the Confederacy and the location of the first battle in the War Between the States at Fort Sumter, explained the cause of the Civil War with no mention of slavery, or the fact that her ethnicity has a history of practicing a caste system, is that right?

  3. Haley said the Civil War was about freedom. Yes, apparently the freedom to enslave others.

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on December 29, 2023 at 7:38 pm said:

    And here I used to think that Haley was a smarter Noem…. But, I wonder what Noem thinks caused the Civil War? Is she smart enough to say slavery without going-off on a rant about liberty and freedom?

    Just think, the Republicans were once known for freeing the slaves, but now they just dismiss them…. Talk about ruining a brand.

  5. Very Stable Genius on December 29, 2023 at 7:46 pm said:

    Actually, Lincoln officially made the Civil War about slavery when he issued the Emancipation Proclamation in January of 1863, almost two years after the commencement of that War in order to keep England from furthering its support for the South. The British had outlawed slavery some 30 years before the Proclamation, but do you think any Republican is smart enough to spin this historic fact to their favor? Probably not, which is just further proof that they don’t know their Lincoln, and they are thus free to dwell in the agony of their ignorance, which at times they like to call liberty.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, someone should ask Haley or Noem when the War of 1812 happened”….. šŸ˜‰ #TheBattleofNewOrleans1815 )

  6. Scott D Hudson on December 29, 2023 at 10:34 pm said:

    I’m expecting an inaccurate 10,000 word history of the lead up to the Civil War by this time tomorrow by a certain somebody.

  7. D@ily Spin on December 30, 2023 at 4:07 am said:

    An imaginary committee works for blame of whatā€™s been hidden because thereā€™s no transparency.

  8. D@ily Spin on December 30, 2023 at 4:37 am said:

    Slavery was 140 years ago. Thereā€™s prejudice and bigotry now. Jews bombing 40 miles from Bethlehem and wiping out the Palestinian population is disturbing. Yes, slavery was a reason for the civil war but only one reason. There was a complex barrier that had to be overcome for there to be one unified nation. The Republican Party is prompting a new division thatā€™s critical. The founding fathers created the electoral college for reasons then. Thereā€™s a new reason that just might prevent Trump from destroying democracy.

  9. Civil War Buff on December 30, 2023 at 12:08 pm said:

    Very Stable Genius, Thinking back to our history lessons before Texas right wingers started rewriting all history to fit a narrative based on their imaginations. It reminds me of the years of reading about the real history of the times. The Nikki Haley comets can not bring themselves to admit that the insurrection started in the Charleston Harbor, SC between Apr 12 – 14, 1861 was based on the fear of losing the ability to own other human beings or as we know it as, slavery.

    As literate people read in the printings of the day, there was discussion during the Constitutional convention to abandon slavery then there were discussions during the administrations of Washington, Adams and Jefferson to rid the abomination of our nation’s people owning people. Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin gave hope to the slave owners that money could now be made by people owning people. The religious fever of our pre-1861 countrymen grew to try to resolve the issue.

    The 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln scared the slave owners to decide they could save their finances by creating an insurrection by bombing Ft. Sumter. They were wrong then as the January 6th insurrectionist were in trying to take over the US government by force.

  10. “…Thereā€™s a new reason that just might prevent Trump from destroying democracy”

    Yes, the Electoral College, “founded” by our Founding Fathers, which was of a time when we were the united States of America, is now being abled by the 14th Amendment, which made us the UNITED States of America, to possibly prevent Trump from ever being president again thanks to the insurrection clause.

    ( and Woodstocks adds: “Yah, but if they had never “founded” the Electoral College to begin with, then Trump would have never won in ’16 and all he would have been left with is his Trump TV and some steaks, which would have been fine with me”… )

  11. Further Fear & Loathing on December 30, 2023 at 1:36 pm said:

    The only Lincoln that Republicans know is the one that takes them to a swanky country club, or the one that they have had in their garage collecting dust for 30 years but are too poor to restore.

  12. Fearing the Fuhrer & More on December 30, 2023 at 1:51 pm said:

    Will they regulate the oversight, or oversight the regulations? This all sounds rather analogous to auditing, and who audits the auditors. Or, is it just convenient doublespeak, where they could go either way?… Come to think of it, I once knew a politician who could go either way, but then he was found-out. So, he started to doublespeak, and thus lived-on with his double life. #DoublemintGum

  13. D@ily Spin on December 31, 2023 at 9:42 am said:

    The agony in the wind affected me when I visited Gettysburg. Men from similar backgrounds marched single file into each other with one shot long guns in daylight hours. Nights were moans from the battlefield of men who slowly died after a few days. It takes time to die from a lead musket ball. More than 100,000 died in one battle. Thereā€™s ghosts I didnā€™t see but they’re there. Grant went to West Point with Lee. Lee lived at Arlington before it became a cemetery for soldiers and statesmen. Brothers fought on opposite sides. Never again.

    Unfortunately, it takes devious tactics for strong mayor to pacify citizens as well as developer autocrats. Imaginative committees and the charter revision blockade are obstruction meant to preserve oligarchy.

  14. Civil War Buff, I hear you, you are absolutely correct, but if Haley knew her Lincoln, then she would have known the politics of Antietam, Lincoln/Douglas, the British, slavery, and the Emancipation Proclamation to help spin herself out of her mis-step, but I guess she doesn’t know her Lincoln, does she?…. Nor her own South Carolina history, I guess.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Not only do most Republicans not know their Lincoln, but they also don’t know their Johnson”…. šŸ™ )

  15. Mike Lee Zitterich on December 31, 2023 at 2:00 pm said:

    If I remembers the discussion, this was brought forward by Richard Merkouris and Greg Neitzert. The plan is to go through all the regulations adopted by the city and review them, and pick them apart with a fine tooth comb, to get rid of regulations that are bad, and keep the ones that are good, and amend the ones that need amended.

  16. Sick of Fearing on December 31, 2023 at 3:38 pm said:

    Lincoln once said, in response to the completion of the Civil War, “…. with malice toward none”, while Carter, during the Cold War, warned us about malaise, but personally I prefer mayonnaise, and especially for the embruing Burger Battle.

  17. the civil war was fought over the unity bridge to seney island.

  18. The County Agent on January 1, 2024 at 8:51 pm said:

    Or was it the bridge between Lexington and Concord?

  19. D@ily Spin on January 1, 2024 at 9:54 pm said:

    I think Haley anticipated the question. South Carolina was first to secede for the civil war. As governor she didnā€™t want to give an answer.

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