South DaCola

UPDATE II: City of Sioux Falls announces house cleanup pilot for wealthy historic homeowners

UPDATE II: I guess these loans run thru Federal and State Historic Preservation funds so this is why the neighborhoods were targeted. I do suggest though that the city council comes forward with their own program for other neighborhoods like Pettigrew and Whittier.

UPDATE: I guess the loans ARE available to ANY homeowner within in these districts. But wouldn’t smaller loans in Whittier and Pettigrew make more sense?

Only the city of Sioux Falls would take a great idea to clean up ALL homes in and around historic districts and only target it towards people who can already afford to fix up their homes;

On Wednesday, the City of Sioux Falls announced a new program to improve homes in five residential historic districts and properties on the National Register of Historic Places.

Diane deKoeyer, neighborhood and preservation planner, shared more about the Historic Preservation Loan Program.

Eligible homeowners include those who live in one of the city’s five historic districts: All Saints, Cathedral, Hayes, McKennan Park, and Sherman.

The program is for property exteriors only.

While I am 100% supportive of any program to clean up older historic neighborhoods, the 0% interest loans should go towards ANY home within that district. What good does it do to clean up an historic mansion to its original glory only to have a 700 sq ft home next to it falling over? A neighborhood revitalization program needs to apply to the ENTIRE neighborhood to work. This just sounds like some of Paul’s rich buddies wanting interest free loans to offset the cost of their remodel. This is probably the best example of how trickle down economics doesn’t work, unless you are at the very top.

It kind of makes you wonder who is behind this. Remember the fella who is restoring the grocery store at 9th and Grange? He got a facade easement for the building from Sioux Falls taxpayers, he also got a parking strip paid for by taxpayers. Well guess what, this person also sits on the Board of Preservation and has been remodeling several historic home in McKennan Park. Gee, I wonder who might have pitched this idea?

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