Allison has been telling me since this summer she was running for city council, I just thought it was for the NW district, but as a renter, and not wanting to compete with another potential candidate in that district she is apparently going for the Big Kahuna.

I like Allison, she is pretty fiery and a real fighter. It will be interesting to watch her at forums, because if she duplicates some of the convos we had this past summer she will shock and awe the constituents.

I have already written off the At-Large Council Race. It is pretty obvious the lead contender will probably have well over $100K in his campaign chest, has significant connections within the established Republican moderates and has a pretty moderate record in the State Legislature. Even as a 3 person race I think Richard will go over that 50% + 1 threshold in the regular election. It is unfortunate that the At-Large race couldn’t be more competitive, but when trying to get an entire city to vote for you, money wins!

I also heard a potential candidates in the NE and SW have decided not to run due to family commitments. Which is unfortunate, because both would have been excellent candidates and great councilors!

8 Thoughts on “Lakota Activist to run for Sioux Falls City Council

  1. Virginia on January 11, 2024 at 9:56 am said:

    She will not get my vote.

    1. She’s looking down at me in the ad, as if I’m insignificant.
    2. She calls herself historically significant. This is the first time I’m hearing of her.

  2. I agree with Virginia. Self righteous. Zero chance.

  3. Very Stable Genius on January 11, 2024 at 4:42 pm said:

    Is it just me, or is this just a repeat of the 2022 Sioux Falls mayoral race? OH, and like Jensen, Thomason served on term in the state House, then lost in a Republican primary for re-election, and then became an At-Large Council member… is that fair to say? #HistoricallySignificant #73%Prediction;-)

    Oh, and, welcome back to “Not VSG”. May ’24 be a great year for you.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, I once knew a girl who was ‘historically significant’, but that’s all I’m going to say about that one”…. “Well, let’s just say she measured-up”…. 🙂 )

  4. RatchetStrap on January 12, 2024 at 11:53 am said:

    So rather than jumping into a race that only has one candidate, she thinks she’s got a better shot at joining a race with two people who’ve already been campaigning since October? Makes zero sense. Also, identity politics have no place in municipal elections. Nobody cares about how “historically significant” anything is. What are your ideas and plans to make things better? Campaign looks D.O.A.

  5. Yeah, this is baffling to me. When I talked to her this summer she said she was running for NW, But I think I understand her reasoning with At-Large. I think a person she knows may be jumping into the NW race and she didn’t want to run against him. Also, she is a renter, so I think she thought to herself if she serves At-Large, she could be free to move about the city and not worry about being eligible.

    To be honest with you, this crop of candidates for City Council is about dismal as it gets. You have likely another Republican legislator realtor replacing a Republican legislator realtor in both AT-LARGE and SW. Basically no change. I think the NE district race is going to be the hot one. Two late 20’s professionals bagging it out.

    I am hoping more people jump in, but they best do it soon.

  6. if she makes people uncomfortable, she has my vote.

  7. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on January 16, 2024 at 11:36 pm said:

    “….if she makes people uncomfortable, she has my vote….”

    Renville: The next Stehly.

  8. Still not VSG on January 17, 2024 at 3:53 pm said:

    I see on her FB page that she’s going after the recently off parole crowd. Maybe she does have a chance!

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