South DaCola

Mysterious City of Sioux Falls Election contract and Conditional Use WTF?

During the city council meeting tonight they discussed the ordinance for Minnehaha County to provide election services for the Spring city election (Item #32).

Councilor Starr asked if the tabulation machines were going to be used, and the city clerk, Mr. Washington assured Starr they would be used, but seemed nervous about the details.

I guess the auditor of Lincoln and Minnehaha County had a meeting with our city clerk and whoever is in charge of elections for the unconstitutional school district to discuss the details. Little is known of what was discussed or decided. Hopefully by 2nd reading we will see just how the crazy train will run our next election.


Item #25 was an appeal of a dog kennel permit in which Councilor Neitzert added conditional uses that would be ‘ENFORCEABLE’ if not followed. After further discussion by councilor Starr it was discovered that the city has no legal process to revoke a conditional use permit. In other words if you tell Bob’s Casino to put up a 6 foot fence and it falls down after 2 weeks and it is never put back up, there is NO process for the city to revoke the permit. Seems strange? Oh that’s right, we are only business friendly in Sioux Falls, not neighbor friendly.

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