This will be an interesting study showing wear future expansion would be for the shared use trail. There has been talk to try out a walking path between Paisley Park and Spencer Dog Park separate from the main path.

One Thought on “Shared Use Rec Trail Study

  1. Very Stable Genius on January 9, 2024 at 6:29 am said:

    But if E-Bikes and speed, with or without E-bikes, are not a problem, then why is there a need for a walking path? Growth? Possibly? But then why not just make the bike trail wider?

    I also confused by the term: “Shared Use Path and Trail”. Can you use the path and/or trail, or is only the path shared, while the trail is the path not taken by some, or allowed? #TheRoadNotTaken

    ( and Woodstock adds: “You always got to be suspicious when they change the terminology in order to change the agenda, purpose, or game plan”…. “If she starts to just call you her ‘guy friend’, then what’s really going on?”…. )

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