South DaCola

South Dakota Dems kicking another person out today at 4 PM

The SDDP is going to be busy today ousting an E-Board rep, Sheldon Osborn. For full disclosure, I know Sheldon pretty good, and he doesn’t deny many of the accusations hurled at him. Sheldon is an old school Dem so he isn’t big on the ‘Woke’ agenda. Sheldon and I agree that LGTBQ issues should be a rung on the Dem’s platform ladder, but not the top one. When we are struggling with food insecurity, unaffordable healthcare, under funded public education, opening up imports and exports with other countries for our farm products, gun control, affordable housing and healthcare and lastly livable wages, it’s hard to put this as a top priority. Sure, the rainbow deserves to fly it’s flag with other righteous Democratic endeavors, but it is a party of may flags and stripes.

Sheldon has NO doubt he will get the boot today. I wonder who will be in charge of turning out the lights on the Dem party in SD? Maybe they will vote on that designation today also.

You can tune in for the outing;

Good morning everyone,

On behalf of SDDP and Region 3 Representative Sharon Schulz-Elsing, I’m sending you a reminder of today’s Region 3 State Central Committe meeting scheduled for 4pm CT. The subject matter for this meeting pertains to the presentation of recall signatures for Region 3 Representative Sheldon Osborn.

Zoom information is provided below.

Notice was provided by email on Saturday, January 20, 2024 with information on the meeting. Please contact Shane Merrill ( or Sharon Schulz-Elsing ( for more information.

We’ll see you all this afternoon.

Minnehaha County Democratic Party is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Region 3 State Central Committee Meeting
Time: Jan 27, 2024 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 7447 7384
Passcode: 965317

Mr. Osborn has been a very bad boy;

For clarity and by request, I am sharing the foundational reasons submitted by petitioners to me and SDDP for initiating the current process to recall Region 3 Representative Sheldon Osborn.


Additional personal context from the co-Region 3 Representative:

On a personal level, I have long enjoyed a cordial relationship with Sheldon as co-Region 3 Representative. It is important for the sake of a healthy party to welcome multiple perspectives and all demographics – but the sharing of those perspectives must happen in good faith and with civility. Those qualities have unfortunately not been demonstrated adequately by my partner outside our one-on-one conversations.

The position Sheldon and I each hold within the SDDP, that of Regional Representative, comes not only with the privilege and power of bringing our individual voices to the table in guiding the path of the South Dakota Democratic Party forward. It also comes with the responsibility to caretake the organization in such a way that our conduct does not weaken the party, ESPECIALLY in public. It comes with the responsibility to faithfully represent our constituency’s needs and concerns to the state party. It comes with the responsibility to actively listen as well as speak, build bridges and seek to collaborate. The personal responsibility to not browbeat, hijack meetings, sow discord, or undercut other members of leadership at any level with ugly insinuations or malicious gossip. To not deliberately splinter the party into warring factions or deepen existing “natural” divides.

Minnehaha and Lincoln County area party leaders, many of whom are relatively younger or have become active in the last decade, have been portrayed to other party leaders across the state as a “Sioux Falls mafia” that wants to reshape the nature of the SDDP in a way that utterly sidelines and silences all voices outside our metro area. Disseminating such false characterization destabilizes the party, not to mention being inaccurate and unrepresentative of the constituency our position is intended to serve.

Again, this recall action is not undertaken lightly or with relish, and I am personally sorrowful that the situation has come to this. Sheldon has decades-long experience and knowledge that by itself is valuable to the party. Unfortunately, experience and knowledge deployed in a divisive and combative manner cause more harm than good. Similarly, experience and knowledge alone do not automatically enable someone to lead and represent others effectively.

Regardless of the outcome of this recall, initiated by nearly three-quarters of those eligible to vote Sheldon in or vote him out as one of their elected representatives to state party leadership, I hope that he will individually continue to help elect Democrats in our state.

Sharon Schulz-Elsing

SDDP Region 3 Representative

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