South DaCola

Councilor Soehl wants to address panhandling, problem is he can’t

During the city council presser (which BTW has only been posted to FB and NOT YouTube, which is ironic since the mayor’s presser TODAY is already loaded to YouTube). The council put out their concerns.

One of the things was mentioned is that someone is planning to run in the NW district challenging the one person who has announced. Which is good.

I have been advocating for years that the council do pressers. So this is a good move towards transparency, and I know that councilor Merkouris is committed to continuing these events.

But councilor Soehl’s comments about his ordinance to stop people from using public space to panhandle is, well, speculative.

Trust me, nothing bothers me more that people have to beg for money on a street corner, so why don’t we craft ordinances that HELP these people instead of treating them like rats?

Soehl wants to put in city ordinance that it is illegal to stand at certain interstate off ramps. He doesn’t mention panhandling because the city attorney told him not to, but it is obvious his intent.

The ordinance would likely violate the 1st, the 5th and 14th amendment of the Constitution, along with many others.

I don’t like panhandling either, but there are solutions to help these peeps without criminalizing the activity.

Sorry Curt, but this is going to blow up in your face, and I don’t think you realize it. If I was you, I would rescind this as fast as possible, but maybe you like the criticism?

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