You saw the stories. Great Bear had it’s shortest season of the year, 35 days. Let’s face it, it will continue like this due to global warming, and I am not sure why we play these games every year.
But let’s look at the money, why are we funding this park in maintenance and operations to over a million a year for 35 days of skiing that we have to pay for again when we use it!?

Stop the stupidity, auction off the equipment and let Great Bear be what it should be, a natural recreational space ALL seasons and stop running it like an actual ski resort. Folks can use it when it works, no fees and no more dumping millions into a park that doesn’t operate much.
Always cracks me up when the city’s finance manager cries and cries about property tax increases we need and food taxes then they turn around and spend money on snow that melts the next day.
Priorities folks.
Shutdown Great Bear as a resort and let the citizens use it when they want to. Weather permitting.