
I don’t know why they have to be so down on low-income people! We send nice people to Pierre, but then they do mean things. Now this:

I was so disheartened this morning when the Approp Commitee voted down(5-12) the summer food for kids. We can thank these who stood with hungry children:  Rep’s , , , , and Senator 

Then I felt even worse when House Commerce passed the two bills that make life harder for renters, SB89 (by 9-3 vote)  and SB90 (by 11-2 vote). We can thank these who stood the 32% of our state’s households who are renters: 

On SB89, Rep’s , ,

On SB90, Rep’s ,  

Update on SB119, tribal ID for voter registration, was tabled on the House floor(59-6). So it could be dead, but it’s not as dead as if it were voted to the 41st day.

It was good news that HB1232, Indian Child Welfare Council, passed(4-2). We thank these for their support: Senators, , ,

(Whoops, I see now I gave you the wrong committee members on Wed. Sorry.) Now it goes to the Senate floor on Monday, so urge your senator to Support it.

Now for next week: 

— HB1098 and HB1131 will be up Monday, 7:45am(6:45 Mt) in Senate Health and Human Services.  They pay forbirth certificates and nondriver IDs for people experiencing homelessness.  The fiscal impact is miniscule for these, and they are foundational for moving into the workforce and stable housing. Urge these senators to Support: , , , , , , ,

— A big one!  SJR501, will be up Monday, 7:45am(6:45 Mt) in House State Affairs.  This is legislators messing with our vote again. We passed Medicaid expansion deliberately with no added conditions. If the ballot measure in SJR501 would pass in November, South Dakota could add a terrible condition (if the feds decide to allow it again). A work requirement would be against the purposes of Medicaid (health care for those who can’t afford it). It would take away Medicaid for not getting enough work hours or failing to turn in the report or failing to verify an allowable exemption. This is an extreme and inhumane punishment.  

   Shouldn’t a ballot measure meant to promote work have some evidence that it would? All the evidence indicates it does not. But there is evidence that people would lose their healthcare. (18,000 lost it in Arkansas.) Urge these rep’s to OPPOSE SJR501.;;;;;;; ;; ;

    PLEASE contact them this weekend.  For more info:

— HB1244 will get its next vote in Senate State Affairs committee soon — an opportunity to defeat it. It interferes with our citizen rights to initiative and referendum.  How would petition organizers be able to know if they had enough signatures, if signatures can be withdrawn from petitions? For changed minds, we already have a cure: Citizens can vote how they want on the ballot.  Urge senators to OPPOSE it. ; ; ; ; ; ; ,;

Thanks for your help on these. Sometimes a large volume of emails helps.

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