Talk about strange.

Normally when there is a city council election with the school district, you hear very little about the school board candidates, if anything. Well there are two seats up, one currently held by an incumbent, Marc Murren.

There are 5 candidates, all with various kinds of education and government experience. Ironically when you look at the slate of candidates it is probably the incumbent that has the least amount of experience and should be shown his walking papers. Some have taken issue with one of the candidates involvement with the gymnastics lawsuit, but let’s look at this a different way, she was put in that position because of the current school board’s decisions, including a decision made by the incumbent. Why would we want to re-elect this person?

Also, back to the gymnastic’s parent, what if she does win the seat on the school board? She will be installed with a massive conflict of interest. Hopefully she will drop out before the ballot selection placement.

As for the city council race, I saw this coming last Fall. All 4 candidates (two have already won due to not having any challengers) were chosen by the North Harrisburg elites.

Some have been asking me over the weekend what I think happened.

It’s not as complicated as you think. In the last city election several strong opposition candidates ran solid, well funded campaigns and they got their asses whooped. While we figured out how it happened (to late) it really left a bad taste in these candidate’s mouths. In fact, several candidates that ran in the last city election in 2022 were considering runs in this year’s election but decided against it because they didn’t feel like getting another shallacking.

It is also obvious that city hall is running interference. There will be some information coming out over the next couple of weeks that will expose this, and it is NOT going to be pretty.

But I don’t think it will change the ultimate outcome of the city council election. That was already decided in a corporate board room months ago and the election is just a small bump in that process.

I think most ‘regular’ folks that want to run for council are discouraged because they see a powerless council that whimpers to the demands of city hall and can’t see how they can fix that on their own, even if they could beat the tower of money and IT campaign assistance from the monied elite.

The opposition knows how to win elections, they just don’t know how to govern once they get there. Look at Pierre which is 90% Republican. It’s a freaking horror show.

As I have told folks recently, the next two years in city government should be called the ‘SLEEPY years’. NO INFORMATION. NO GOVERNANCE. NO COMMON SENSE. NO PROGRESSIVE POLICIES. ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL.

By l3wis

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