South DaCola

UPDATE: There is NO ‘Taxpayer’ ROI on a new convention center

UPDATE: Besides the fact that the presser for this project wasn’t publicly noticed on the city website, somehow the news of the presser magically appears on the city website. So is the Riverline District official city business Paul? Or are you using the city website like your personal FB page, in which he posts city business all the time, but has this disclaimer on his page;

Personal account, not associated w/ City of SF

He seems to be blurring the lines of what the role of government is. If you want to push for this project as a CITY, then you should properly NOTICE anything that is involved with this project, like posting a meeting agenda, so that the council can be aware of quorum, and the public can also know. It’s kind of like posting the city council agenda on a Wednesday morning after the Tuesday night meeting. To late.

With the city council agenda page currently offline due to vendor issues, it may start happening.

He just can’t wrap his head around the concept of transparent government. You can’t just tell half the story to the public and expect them to get on board. It would be like picking your car up at the mechanic and when you ask them what was wrong with it, he says, ‘Oh nothing serious, fixed now. $300 please.’

The above photo is of Uptown at the Falls concept, the original concept presented over a decade before any dirt actually moved. As you can see, not exactly what happened. All we got was some poorly insulated apartments and a couple of retailers.

We are going to be presented a lot of BS concepts over the next two years. Get ready, you are going to need a pay loader to clean this up.

Original Post

We only have to look at the Events Center. A place that is profitable, but gives NOTHING back to the taxpayers in the form of bond payments.

A new convention center would be NO different. A bunch of private investors would cash in and the citizens would have to pay a mortgage on a facility they know little about, don’t use and affects their lives very little, you know, like the Denty.

Just another developer scam that the city is trying to sell;

I did get a good laugh out of the new video during weekly pressers, they have a mic and cam on the press finally, though the bridge troll from the angus liar and bike hat boy didn’t help the image of the mayor’s press pool.

Just teasing.

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