UPDATE: I was told today by a property investor that are interested in buying the homes they have found about 15 homes in that area that are marked between Sanford on Grange Avenue and Minnesota. A city councilor recently told this person that there are HUNDREDS of houses owned by Sanford in this neighborhood.

These houses are on a strip between 19th and 20th on Walts Avenue just East of a Sanford parking lot. The red dots have been on the houses for quite awhile (at least a year). They are abandoned, but they do look like they could be moved or rehabbed. My guess is they are abandoned Sanford homes that they are just sitting on until they can be moved or demolished for another parking lot. It is sad with all the affordable housing issues we have in town that 6 rentals that could house up to 20 people or more just sit empty while waiting for the wrecking ball.

While the unoccupied housing fee is meant to put a dent in this, I think some of the biggest offenders are these bigger non-profits hoarding up housing stock and either not renting it out or just letting it go to crap.

4 Thoughts on “UPDATE: What’s up with the Red Dot Houses?

  1. You get this when you have powerful people with deep pockets. Of course, this Mayor lets it happen. He’s too worried about his image and of course, his baby…downtown!!

  2. "Woodstock" on February 12, 2024 at 12:48 pm said:

    “Is this where Sanford is planning to place the ‘Dome’?”

  3. Mike Lee Zitterich on February 12, 2024 at 5:11 pm said:

    I do have knoledge of at least one property holder that has bought 3 homes in the area, and the plan is to move them to another location.

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on February 14, 2024 at 12:26 pm said:

    The ‘Dome’? ‘Under the Dome’ was one of my favorite TV shows after ‘Twin Peaks’. #Fargo


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