South DaCola

District 9 Republicans, RUN as fast as you can away from Kristi (Stewart) Golden

You know, when you work with someone and it is a very bad experience, you always wonder years later if and when they run for office if you can say something.

I’m talking.

Kristi (Stewart) Golden is the daughter of Gordon Stewart, one of the founders of the Stewart Hairstyling school and salons, the brother of Randy Stewart and she is married to Bill Golden, an assistant city attorney with the city of Sioux Falls, a job he quietly(?) received after leaving Lincoln County as an assistant state’s attorney.

Kristi probably conveniently left that out of her press releases, because like most privileged Republicans they don’t like the working stiffs of this state knowing they want to ‘serve’ in the legislature to enrich their lives further. Her husband is probably already locked and loaded on several state pension programs and as a former staffer of a senator, I would guess Kristi has a little pension coming from the taxpayers.

Her husband, Bill, was private counsel to the Stewart family before moving into private practice and eventually bilking the taxpayers.

I went to work for Randy Stewart around 20 years ago or so. He’s the guy who has been screwing up childcare in Sioux Falls after trying to close his late parents daycares. Not sure if Kristi is also rolling a paycheck from those sales?

Kristi and Randy’s relationship is the normal sibling rivalry, and after parents passed, those relationships can get complicated.

I think I worked for Randy for less than a year before he fired me (he actually got his accountant* to do it with Bill) after I told Randy he was a very ‘unchristian’ business owner and I was shocked he was an ordained pastor.

But the clincher was when his sister who couldn’t handle her part-time job at a private Christian college her father has given millions to came to be the salesperson for our little sign shop.

I think my co-worker said to me when she was hired, ‘What does she know about the sign business?’ and I said, ‘Does it matter? She is Gordon’s daughter.’

If I could use one word to describe Larry Pressler’s former staffer, it would be this; ENTITLED!

If I were a voting Republican in District 9, I would send Kristi packing. Just another entitled trust baby in South Dakota that wants to funnel your tax dollars to their goofy causes and coffers.

Even if she was elected to the legislature, she would have NO CLUE what the normal South Dakotan goes thru each day, but her and her husband are sure reaping the benefits of our hard work.

We need a working person’s legislature, that get their teeth fixed locally (or not at all 🙁

*This accountant actually took over one of the daycares Randy sold.

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