March 2024

That took longer then expected

The Sioux Falls City Council approved E2’s on the bike trail this evening, Item #75 (8-0).

They understand the physics of riding a bike; weight of bike + weight of rider + speed + braking time. Whether your bike has a throttle/battery or not, doesn’t matter, accidents are based on these physics, not the power source of your bike. I know at least two people who suffered serious head injuries going 10 MPH on a regular bike. The vehicle isn’t the issue, it’s the RIDER! Wear a helmet, ride safe speeds, stop or slow down significantly when passing peds.

I have been pushing for this for at least two years, and last summer I really put the pressure on some city councilors and Neitzert stepped up.

This took longer then expected but the new assistant parks director and some officers from the SFPD stepped up with some speed studies, and guess what they found out? Nobody really is speeding that much.

As I have told councilor Neitzert, I don’t use the bike trail much with my E2 because it is just faster for me to commute thru residential neighborhoods then take the bike trail, but I like having the option if I want to take a shortcut.

The ordinance doesn’t go into effect until June 1st so the city has time to mount an education program and new speed signage.

If we see no issues over the next year, I think in June of 2025 they should legalize ALL mobility devices on the trail, and designate the bike trail 24/7.

Ironically, yesterday, while riding my E2 in the street, where I am supposed to be 🙂 a fine upstanding member of our community (a fat ass boomer who was dumber then a fence post) decided to curse me while buzzing me, telling me ‘You are not supposed to ride bikes in the street.’

This is why I pushed for the E2s on the trail, not for me, I’m used to the idiots that drive in this town, but for those who prefer not to be yelled at every time they are LEGALLY riding in the street. And if you are riding an E2 for recreation, that needs to be on the shared use trail.

Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken says our town is booming, on the taxpayer’s dime

Recently our fine mayor, Poops, as his family knows him, decided to brag in the rag serendipitously funded by his close friends (something those supposed rogue journalists don’t tell folks) about how our building permits are hitting records.

They are.

But not because of private industry, profit and the amazing benefits of the free market system but because the taxpayers of this community are propping up building permits that we really shouldn’t be counting or paying for. Public projects and non-profits should NOT be counted as building permits valuation.

We have to pay for the project on the front end, we have to pay for the interest and bond payments, and we have to maintain the facility. Building multi-million dollar projects paid for by taxpayers is NOT progress, it is regression (in financial obligations), and with the amazing growth in this city with PRIVATE new construction, the taxes should come in and up naturally, but they don’t because of the welfare tax system.

In his article he claims;

• $170 Million for wastewater

• $50 million for private parking ramps

• Airport parking ramp

• SD One Stop office building

• Multiple non-profit facilities

Not only do we get ZERO property tax revenue from these projects, they cost us, A LOT! Not sure how you can brag about building permit progress, when the projects are being funded by taxpayers and non-profits that pay no taxes.

I get it, multiple contractors in our city are working on big projects, and ironically, you and I are paying for it.

Break out the bottle of champagne, let’s celebrate spending my tax dollars on stuff I don’t give a sh!t about!

The private sector in this community is like a baby’s diaper that just isn’t quite full enough, but smells to the high hilt.