South DaCola

Paulson’s Accountant wins an award because she knows how to buy airplanes?

I’m sure she is a lovely lady, but I can buy an airplane, as long as I have the money. You can get drones now for $50, but not sure you can take the fam to Disneyland on that 🙂

Matt Paulson who pretty much recruited most of the leading council candidates and helping to fund their campaigns has a tendency to brag about his ability to buy fancy cars and apparently airplanes, but most working stiffs in this town could care less, some have never even been on puddle jumper from here to Minneapolis.

I could care less what Matt spends his money on, even that lime green Lambo.

Where it disturbs me is that this guy, who apparently has more money then he knows what to do with, has been playing king maker in the halls of city hall. I have no problem with wealthy donors funding campaigns, kind of over it in Sioux Falls, it happens, OH WELL. Where it gets frustrating is when these same wealthy donors are also handpicking councilors, school board candidates, and the list goes on. He is also running the campaigns for the candidates ‘hands off’. Most of the candidates that he is helping have told others that they have no idea what the campaign strategy is, Paulson is handling it.


It’s time to kick these Prosperity Gospel weirdos to the curb. VOTE STARR & DEFFENBAUGH and send a message to these jettsetters. Get on your award winning airplane purchase and fly away, far away. May I suggest Florida or Texas, you would fit right in.

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