South DaCola

The owner of Tzadik Properties needs to be held accountable

Do you know what the Hebrew word ‘Tzadik’ means?

Tzadik (Hebrew: ??????? ?add?q[tsa?dik], “righteous [one]”; also zadik or sadiq; pl. tzadikim[tsadi?kim] ??????? ?ad?q?m) is a title in Judaism given to people considered righteous, such as biblical figures and later spiritual masters. 

Interesting that a slumlord would name his properties righteous.

As you can see from the pictures below of just a couple of their properties, they have serious code violations.

Instead of the city coddling this person and trying to protect his investment, the city’s job, and it’s city manager, the mayor, need to have code enforcement rain hail on these properties. Most should be condemned and the conditions his PAYING renters are forced to live in are criminal.

This isn’t FREE housing, they are paying for it, and residents of this city have the right to safe, clean and affordable housing. I actually think criminal charges could be filed against this person.

Would you pay $700 a month to live in these places? Heck, if you BUY a condo at the Steel District, the monthly HOA fee is around $800 a month (which I would assume is for security and building maintenance?)

My point is that most of the people who live in these places are paying rent and working and they needed to be treated better by the city’s code enforcement office.

I heard they are changing the name of this particular complex to ‘Plywood and Needles Estates’ 🙁

The audio may not work on the video below, but basically this is an apartment that was supposedly move in ready.
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