Besides the fact that some state contractor and the state are making money from the tablets, and quite a bit, some wonder the real reason they were turned off.

Noem said it was for ‘nefarious’ reasons. Can’t you just take away the tablets from the inmates that are abusing them? Do you really have to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

If you talk to some family members of inmates, they tell a different story. While I have no doubt that some of the inmates are abusing the usage, I think there was another reason they were shut off. Family members and other sources tell me that the inmates have been making email complaints to the DOC and the Governor’s office about conditions and some troubling CO’s. Of course, when a complaint is filed electronically, there is a record, because as I understand it, the inmates were smart enough to CC’ family or friends on the emails and complaints.

So I guess the best way to stop it is to take the complaint box off the wall.

I have only heard this from a handful of sources, so I don’t know how much of this is happening. But it also doesn’t seem to farfetched from a state and local government that prides itself on being militant closed government authoritarians.


By l3wis

14 thoughts on “Why were inmate tablets really shut off?”
  1. Why do inmates have tablets? Prior to the internet, did inmates have a landline in their cell? Probably not.

    I don’t doubt that conditions are awful there. Part of that is because it’s a prison, and the other part would be far better dealt by a good attorney. To begin with, that’s why prisons have a law library. Emails to the Governor’s office, or Corrections, is merely a pie-in-the-sky exercise in futility. It’s like Navalny writing Putin. #ThankGod4TeaStormChasers!

    ( and Woodstock adds: “And here I thought they had all found God and they were all marveling at the work of Moses”….. 🙂 )

  2. Say, what time is the riot tonight? #ShankvilleRedemption #DayThree

    Oh, and I can’t wait until all of this problem is found south of Taupeville. 🙂

  3. What’s next? Uber Eats to the pen? Give me a break. Please! Maybe Taylor should do a concert behind bars, huh? A bunch of Chiefs could stand guard.
    We live in a state where our own governor has to go out of state to get her teeth fixed, and a bunch of inmates here are complaining about their iPads being taken away from them. I’m not too sure what these two things have to do with each other, other than the fact that one is state business, while the other is some business out of state with a state plane, but it’s not a crime because it’s “state business”, or actually no one else’s business unless you conduct your business in prison, which in that case others get to watch your business because there are not any stalls in prison, unlike in a plane where there is a private toilet where you can join the Mile High Club. But don’t ask me any more about that one, because it is no one else’s business and hopefully there are no teeth involved, but if there are, it could be a crime, which could then lead to someone going to prison, getting shanked, and literally then relying on something like Uber Eats for the final food for the soul…. Now, that’s some business to think about. #LouieWhatTimeIsTheRiotTonight?

  4. Video games, porn, and movies in prison. Now, a Hilton prison in Lincoln County. They don’t pay taxes. Why are we working? It’s not so bad inside. For homeless, sounds to me like rob a Casino and plead guilty to pull the door shut.

  5. When you disobeyed an order in Vietnam, you were threatened with imprisonment. Jail sounded better than getting killed. Troops wanted jail but the next order was ‘April Fool’.

  6. Great little discussion about this blog over on reddit. Not going so well for Scott. Guess I am not the only one who thinks maybe you should brush up on some remedial English.

  7. Yeah, I read the THREE commenters after someone sent it to me. Were you all three commenters or just two of them?

  8. So i went to read the supposedly harsh words on Reddit. Jesus, what a nothingburger.

  9. I was a little bummed I didn’t have more than 3 haters on Reddit. LOL. I guess I am a nothing burger these days.

  10. Smart marketing! Now, that the two of you have finessed this discussion into a discussion about burgers, then maybe the local media will pick it up, too. That was your plan all along, wasn’t it? #FoodTruckNothingBurger #AnyPublicityIsGoodPublicity 😉

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Yah, but if they would yell real loud about wanting some tablets, then may the Tea Storm Chasers would notice it, too”…. 🙂 )

  11. Not sure what we expect when we criminalize everything. Shocker those in the state pen are not the scary criminals we expect, most are in there due to things like a DUI or drug possession (which conveniently gets escalated to a felony distribution with bills like HB 1067). The state recognizes the plan is to let these people out, and statistics show torturing them with solitary confinement will just increase crime when they get out which doesn’t look good in the headlines for a “tough on crime” state like SD. Therefore, we offer some connections to normalcy, like tablets. This notion of “it is supposed to be bad, it’s prison” is good if we put only violent people unfit for society in the pen, but we all know, the majority of inmates are just people who made a mistake or bad decision, most have committed crime with no victims. Give them a break…….and a tablet.

  12. VSG there’s nothing more eye rolling than that Tea Storm Chasers FB group. They make the Karens on the NextDoor app look like the area’s best and brightest.

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